Featured Member: Courtney Seard

As we launch our new 1-1 coaching platform we are highlighting expert career coaches in our community. Courtney Seard is expert in career consulting and leadership training. She’s successfully booked jobs through The Second Shift and led a popular webinar about manifesting the career path you desire. Here she gives us her tips and insights. If you are interested in hiring her to do 1-1 coaching please reach out to us at members@thesecondshift.com
Tell us your work story : Who are you and what do you do?

I’m a performance coach and mindset and leadership trainer. I assist people and businesses get from where they are to where they want to be. This is done by tapping into the unconscious mind, removing blocks that are holding you back from success. Then by activating strategies, actionable tasks, and tools for success my clients create the results and outcomes they desire.

What is your proudest professional accomplishment?

The fact I’ve been self employed for 9 years. Creating, developing, and producing my product The Rise: Vision|Action|Planner. Giving my TEDx Talk on Mindset Matters: The Art of Playing The Game To Win, and my featured articles in Essence and Forbes.

What is the hardest challenge you’ve faced, work-wise?

Being a single self-employed business owner without capital and connections. Being a bit ahead of my time in regards for the needs of executive coaching and leaderships skills on an unconscious level. Being a black woman in a white dominated field.

If you could change one thing about how your field operates, particularly with regards to women, what would it be, and why?

There would be more women in the technical and mind science coaching space. We would be featured more than the same run of the mill guys who teach mindset and leadership from their perspective and an old set of norms and ideas.

What advice do you have for other women looking to make a career change but are afraid or lack confidence? How is it on the other side?

Plan, start small, and GO for it! You only live once, and we tend to regret and think about the things we didn’t or wished we’d done, rather than the things we did do and either were successful at, or found wasn’t for us. Slow and steady wins the race and get in the game.

Do you have any advice on how to craft a winning pitch?

Practice, practice, practice. And be confident in you. See yourself breezing through the pitch, even stumbling a few times, and making graceful pivots. See yourself confident, happy, and secure.

What continues to draw you to your chosen field and what do you hope to accomplish in the years ahead?

This is what I was put on the planet to do. I can’t imagine doing much help. Helping people get over their self imposed blocks and create wins for themselves and their teams, is whats it’s about.

What is the best piece of professional advice you’ve ever received?

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it burned down in one. Slow and steady wins the race, be patient, consistent, and do it with integrity. It takes forever to built something and one false move to break it. Do your best.

Who has been your biggest cheerleader // supporter // mentor? 

Gina Hadley, at Second Shift really has been a huge champion and friend. Deseriee Peterkin Bell- She’s also been an advocate, mentor and inspiration.

How do negotiate the balance between life and work when you are the one setting the boundaries?

I have a set schedule that I adhere to. I’ve been doing this long enough to have burnt out, and to realize a sunk cost. I make them and I stick to them.

If you could tell your younger self one thing about what this professional journey would be like, what would you tell her?

It’s going to look crazy and be wild. It will be harder than you think it will be, and worth every single second. Save more, invest more, even when you think you don’t have it. Become financially savvy and fall in love with yourself, and money.

How do you make work work for you? 

I work on projects that I care about, with people I respect and admire. It’s a top value of mine. I’m flexible in my behavior and open to new ideas and opportunity. I know who I am, the incredible I offer, and that it’s required in the new era of work.

Learn How to Network in the New Normal


Hello Second Shift Community!

During the COVID 19 worldwide pandemic, virtual networking has become the new normal for making connections. Even though meeting people is just a click or two away, most of us feel a bit lost navigating a whole new networking landscape.

Our upcoming webinar, Navigating Online Networking, will provide best practices to use to make sure your ZOOM calls boom instead of bomb. Taught by Second Shift member Sandy Sloane, President of Solutions by Sloane, this event is for anyone looking to up their online networking game for professional and personal gain.

Navigating Online Networking
Tuesday, August 25th @ 1:00pm ET

Register Here

See you there!






Tips to set yourself up for remote school/ work life integration success!


The stress and anxiety of the unknown is overwhelming many working parents right now. Speaking up for your needs to #makeworkworkforyou as we go into an uncertain school year is important for productivity, management and  maintaining some semblance of work/life integration. We hosted a webinar with HR consultant Karen Finckenor and workplace parenting expert Lauren Smith Brody of the Fifth Trimester to learn how to advocate for your needs and set yourself, your team, and your family up for success.

Here are our main takeaways from the talk and you can watch the full webinar here:


  • There are no playbooks for employers or employees and that leaves policy  vacuum and creates an advantage for employees to advocate tor themselves and ask for what they need.


  • Policies are rapidly changing and being updated so educate yourself on what is available to you and check in with your manager and hr rep.


  • Be honest about what works for you- when are you able to be most productive and focused? Set and meet goals and then deliver and over-achieve expectations. Show you can make your own boundaries and goals and then you have proof of your productivity.


  • Organizations are looking at their performance reviews because this is all new and have to reevaluate to address properly. Make your case.


  • If you want to ask for a promotion, raise or flexible schedule do the following: know what policies are available to you, get clear on your ask and make sure it solves your need, make a business case for it backed up with strong data, have a few options ready to suggest, be a partner on the solution.  


Some final advice that we think it very relevant:

“This is a long game…. Your career is an evolution and you need to think about your longer term objectives and invest in your career.  Do not make short term decisions. Look at your career, where are you right now, and where you want to go- then figure out how you get to your goals in the next 18-24 months to sustain that vision.  Get clear on what you can do now, what you are learning and how that feeds into your professional vision for the future.”

The Pandemic is Driving Women Out of Work



Pleased to share a wonderful article in The 19th News (a wonderful media platform focused on women and politics) about how this pandemic is overwhelming working mothers and forcing them to make really tough choices about balancing work and childcare (if they are fortunate to have choices). Our co-founder Jenny was quoted as a representative of the women in our member community:

“Jenny Galluzzo, co-founder of the Second Shift, a platform that matches professional women with freelance and consulting projects, said the site has seen four times as many applicants since February as women try to make up lost work hours with part-time consulting work.

Beyond that, most women tell her they’re just waiting.

“You can’t plan ahead in any concrete way. And that stress manifests itself because you don’t know how to interact with the workforce. If you’re out looking for a job, how can you know what job to take because you don’t know in two months what your kids’ school situation will be?” Galluzzo said. “I worry for women because we’re taking an undue burden of all of the care and the invisible labor. I worry about all the strides we’ve made just being set back.”


One of our members, Mara Geronemus, a working mother of  3 young children and wife of a front-line doctor, is also featured because  the weight of her work and responsibilities forced her to turn down clients and take a step back right when her practice was taking off. It’s a relatable story and one that really captures the anxiety, stress, helplessness and disappointment many of us feel right now.

On the positive side, Jenny sees a silver lining if we can just hold our breath and make it to the other side…

“In many ways, though, coronavirus has served as a magnifying glass, bringing into sharper focus issues like child care that have long been ignored — and employers are responding. Companies that once resisted flexible work set-ups, and particularly remote work, are starting to embrace the idea. 

“We have been fighting for the ability for women to work remotely and flexibly for years. It’s the number one thing women want for employment and companies have now been forced to see that that model works,” said Galluzzo, from the Second Shift. “And when the economy comes back and jobs are more plentiful and our kids are in school, I see this as ultimately a benefit because you don’t have to convince people any longer that [flexibility and being remote] works.”


Member-led Webinar: Work and Remote School Stress?

A lot of us are feeling anxiety about this upcoming school year and our inability to balance work and remote school. In this member-led webinar we will hear from HR expert Karen Finckenor and our workplace parenting advocate Lauren Smith Brody about how parents can work with their managers NOW to set themselves up for success this fall.
August 5th 1-1:45pm EST
It’s free and you can register here! 

Featured Member: Aliza Licht

Tell us your work story : Who are you and what do you do?


I am the founder & president of LEAVE YOUR MARK LLC, a consultancy specializing in creative brand marketing and digital strategy. As a brand storyteller, I help clients build their brand equity by crafting compelling multi-faceted narratives that engage and captivate the audience. I am also the author of the best-selling career advice book, LEAVE YOUR MARK and the host of the LEAVE YOUR MARK podcast.  I am best most known as the creator and voice behind the award-winning social personality DKNY PR GIRL. where I was one of the first people in the fashion industry to launch a social media personality on Twitter. As DKNY PR GIRL, I organically built a multi-platform community of over 1.5mm followers.

What is your proudest professional accomplishment?

Award-winning digital marketer, author and host of LEAVE YOUR MARK

What is the hardest challenge you’ve faced, work-wise?

Leaving a corporate cushy job to begin my journey as an entrepreneur. I failed the first time, but succeeded the second.

If you could change one thing about how your given field operates, particularly with regards to women, what would it be, and why?

There are still too many women in power who are not leading by example, creating toxic work environments and impossible work/life balance.

What advice do you have for other women looking to make a career change but are afraid or lack confidence? How is it on the other side?

Get comfortable with change and the unknown. Give yourself permission to fail, then start again.

What continues to draw you to your chosen field and what do you hope to accomplish in the years ahead?

I am passionate about brand stories, creativity and innovation. I hope to be able to help women succeed by paying forward what I have learned and sharing advice from the amazing guests I have on the LEAVE YOUR MARK podcast

What is the best piece of professional advice you’ve ever received?

I didn’t receive this, but it’s something I believe: Your reputation doesn’t follow you everywhere, it gets there before you do.

How do negotiate the balance between life and work when you are the one setting the boundaries?

It’s never a perfect balance– priorities shift throughout the day. The key is to try and be present during each.

If you could tell your younger self one thing about what this professional journey would be like, what would you tell her?

Experiment more!

How do you make work work for you?

I face every day with renewed enthusiasm. You never know what can happen!

New Offering: Career Coaching!

Our community is a vibrant ecosystem of experts who work together and support each other. It’s so gratifying to us when we see members hire from within or refer us to their colleagues, friends and clients. Thank you so much for helping us to keep those networks strong.
We realize there is a lot more we can be doing to help each other and invest in our career development right now. We successfully launched our member- led webinar series and are now starting a career coaching platform. Expert career coaches are volunteering their time and discounting their rates to provide their services for 1-1 coaching.
If you are interested in hiring a coach please fill out this form and we will follow up with instructions.
Please take this opportunity to network from within our community by being a Featured Member, leading a webinar or signing up to be a coach.
Any questions, email us at members@thesecondshift.com

The End of the Girlboss Era


Second Shift member Aliza Licht wrote a wonderful article in Forbes refuting the negativity around the end of Girlboss, cancel culture and female founders. Our co-founder Jenny Galluzzo participated and has the closing remarks:

“Doing good and having a good business are not mutually exclusive,” states Jenny Galluzzo. “The optimism and energy of post 2016 feminism created a wellspring of excitement to disrupt the status quo. There is nothing negative about trying to change systemic inequity by re-writing the rules and creating your own power and money. That is true feminism.” 

Now let’s aim to make that a reality for all women, not just those with a current seat at the table.”

Read the full article here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/alizalicht/2020/07/05/girlboss-may-be-over-but-the-woman-founder-is-here-to-stay/#3231893378cc

Strong Foundations: A Crash Course on Being an Ally to Black Folks


Thank you to Kalyn Wilson who generously offered her time and expertise to lead a webinar for our members on being an ally to Black people. Kalyn is an HR and Diversity and Inclusion expert who just launched group and 1-1 coaching. We were honored to be her first session and help get her business up and running. It’s important for our community to come together, learn from each other, do better, and strengthen our ties.  Kalyn’s talk about how to be an ally was riveting and included lessons on the current language of the Black Lives Matter movement, an overview of past resistance movements, the linear historic landscape of racism and inequity,  how to speak out at work and how to become an ally in this moment.


If you missed the webinar, watch it below.  Don’t forget to share it with your friends and colleagues!

Strong Foundations was part 1 in a three part series.

  • Unlearning Anti-Blackness: It’s Deeper Than the N-Word
  • Unlearning Anti- Blackness: Making the Personal Sacrifice

You can reach Kalyn directly through her website  if you or your business is interested in hiring her to do corporate or 1-1 coaching.

Featured Member: Kalyn Wilson

Kalyn Wilson is a perfect member to feature because she personally and professionally exemplifies the women in our member community. She is an optimistic, generous, thoughtful leader who uses her experience in HR and organizational development as a consultant to help companies better understand the benefit of Diversity and Inclusion for their companies.


Kalyn sees the Black Lives Matter movement as a teachable moment to help her white allies understand the history of systemic racism in the same way that we understand sexism and the role it plays in keeping women from rising up in the workplace.  Kayln teaches a webinar she created – A Crash Course on Being An Ally to Black Folks-for clients.


Tell us your work story : Who are you and what do you do?

I’m a witty, wise woman who’s influencing the field of HR for good. I use my extensive experience in Human Resources, Organizational Development, and Diversity & Inclusion to improve HR systems and amplify unrecognized talent.

You recently pivoted your career coaching practice to create programming for groups. How has this moment shaped your thoughts on what diversity and inclusion means.
Switching to groups means I get to multiply my impact on the world. Diversity and inclusion is a very sensitive topic for most of us, and I find that people feel more comfortable starting their D&I journey in the safety of a group. The shared energy can encourage people to share their thoughts or latch onto others’ “aha” moments to inspire their own. The group setting can accelerate learning. Plus, it’s just fun for me when I connect with large groups!
Why is it important to teach the history of the current protest?
It is critical to teach history, not just important. The issues at the center of the current protests are compounded layers of concerns, atrocities, and injustices dating back to the 17th century. That’s a lot of information to process, so I want to give non-Black people a crash course in how we reached this explosive point. I’ll share more than a simple recounting of key events; I’ll explain how the pivotal moments intersect and how these moments birthed the systemic issues permeating every layer of our nation’s racial experience – socially, politically, and financially.
Many people are confused about what language to use and how to interact on social media without being offensive or using outmoded paradigms to talk about race. What’s important to think about when trying to navigate these waters with empathy.
The smartest thing we can all do in this moment is to focus on strengthening our allyship within our sphere of influence. So many of us are functioning from a place of guilt, anxiety, and emotional overload. We try to outdo others and ourselves with the wittiest or “woke”-est statuses, just to impress or connect with strangers. This can be toxic – to us and others. Protect your emotional space and respect others’ emotional state by focusing on showing up in meaningful ways for your friends, family, and co-workers. Take a social media break if you need to or turn off the news. It’ll be worth it!


What is your proudest professional accomplishment?

My proudest professional accomplishment is pursuing a doctoral degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology. It represents my commitment to continuous learning and growth, and it also boosts the visibility of underrepresented talent. (My dissertation research centers on optimizing the Black male employee experience.)


What advice do you have for other women looking to make a career change but are afraid or lack confidence? How is it on the other side?


Validate your fear but don’t let it define you. I always say emotions are simply signals; they show us what we need to heal so we can move forward! You can do this, even if you take baby steps to get started. It feels surreal to be on the other side of fear and diminished self-confidence. Sometimes I still feel impostor syndrome, but I try to keep a list of my accomplishments in an Excel spreadsheet so I can encourage myself in those moments.


Do you have any advice on how to craft a winning pitch?


Imagine yourself as if you’ve already sealed the deal… How do you feel? What do you see yourself saying when meeting with the client? Can you see their joy as they look at your work? Use this vision’s positive energy to put how you’d add value into words. The mind is powerful and excited energy is too.


What is the best piece of professional advice you’ve ever received?


Focus on progress not accomplishments. Achievement addiction can be toxic. When you understand your “why” and the meaning behind the steps you take in your career, you avoid burnout and losing yourself.


How do negotiate the balance between life and work when you are the one setting the boundaries?


I recognize that it’s an ongoing journey where I never quite “arrive”. I try to let this excite me rather than frustrate me. For example, the pandemic triggered all kinds of major life changes for me; they’ve led me to pursue more creative outlets and change up my workout routine. It wasn’t expected (or welcome at first), but I can see how they’ll produce tons of long-term benefits.


How do you make work work for you? 


Wow… My answer to this today is so different than what I would have said three months ago. For work to work for me, I have to experience freedom – intellectually, creatively, and emotionally. I need to own my thoughts and my work, so I’ve been working on my communication skills to be an even stronger advocate for myself professionally. I firmly believe we teach people how to treat us by what we allow. How I set boundaries and communicate my professional needs to others sets the tone for our relationship and my work. That’s why I want to speak up for myself even more.