Be a Luminary!


Our good friends at Luminary are offering Second Shift members a discounted membership to their online community. In the next few weeks we are partnering with them to do skill-building and career advancement discussions featuring our Second Shift team, clients and members!


We know that this will be an additive benefit to our regular programming and great way to collaborate with a like-mined group of professional women.  The founder of Luminary, Cate Luzio, is a cheerleader for working women and is excited to extend her platform to support you through these uncertain times. We are excited to showcase our members and their expertise to a wider audience and allow you to stay connected to our community, continue learning and investing in yourself, no matter where you are.


Here is the offer:

Digital Membership

  • Access to select Luminary Programming

  • Access to Luminary Members Only App (mobile and desktop)

  • Access to Coveted Luminary Membership Directory

  • Virtual Member Perks for Health & Wellness

  • Once Luminary Headquarters reopens, you will receive a FREE WEEK in our space with the option to upgrade to any of our other membership tiers, including a 15% discount OR a FREE 3-month upgrade to our Community Membership.

           *Available to New Members Only*

Just for The Second Shift:
Option One: Sign up for monthly or annual DIgital Membership by April 20th and receive one free month of digital membership!
Option Two: Sign up for annual membership by April 20th and receive 15% off using the code:SecondShift

Click link to sign up! 

Remote Work Best Practices

Last week Luminary and The Second Shift hosted a virtual panel on best practices for hiring remote workers. We highlighted our client Eric Hadley and two of our members (Katie Fogarty and Lea Goldman) who worked with Eric on different projects. Lea and Katie had lots of tips for consultants about setting themselves up for success with new clients. 

Our co-founder Jenny talked through the hiring landscape during the shut down and what we are seeing and hearing from clients. Don’t forget,  The Second Shift was built for this– our members are experts at remote working and bring high-level experience to any client engagement. We are leaders in talentinnovation and happy to guide businesses and our members through this new working environment.

See the discussion here and let us makeworkworkforyou

CARES Act — What You Need to Know!

As consultants, part-timers and freelancers, The Second Shift community is uniquely affected by Covid-19 and the government’s CARES Act response.  There is a lot of confusing information about what we are qualified for and can expect to receive, so we’ve broken it down for you:


  • Freelance unemployment insurance is being offered on a large scale. As stipulated in the House bill, it offers freelancers an additional $600 a week in unemployment insurance, bringing weekly payouts to the $800- to $900-a-week range when state benefits are added, to workers including the self-employed, for up to four months.
  • The stimulus package also offers the self-employed and small business owners a $10,000 advance on an Emergency Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) that does not have to be paid back, even if the borrower does not qualify for an SBA loan. The program provides loans up to $200,000.


The Second Shift team is closely monitoring payments from our clients for your work, but we are seeing payment cycles slow down from even our Fortune 100 clients. Because freelancers can be the bottom of the bills to be paid, some organizations are offering grants to tide them over.



This is just a sample of what resources are available. Here is a great breakdown from the Freelancer’s Union.

The Helm has a write up of emergency resources available for small businesses.

HoneyBook: Self Employed Unemployment and Coronavirus Stimulus Package: Everything You Need to Know

Pitch Perfect: Marketing Consultant


Pitch Perfect Example (Marketing Consultant for Fitness App) 


The Job:

Fitness App (launched) looking to hire marketing consultant for 10-15 hours a month to run our social media marketing. Infrastructure (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Website, Blog) is in place. Need an experienced and savvy social media marketer to help us with content and SEO. Would work directly with managing member and fitness trainer to develop content to directly influence our marketing campaign and drive sales of the app.

Responsibilities + Deliverables

  • Create a social media strategy for the company that is on brand with the app
  • Direct and manage our content creation every week
  • Curate our social media sites with content (pictures, videos, optimized blog posts)
  • Run specific sale campaigns based on the calendar (i.e cybermonday, holiday workouts, January sales pitches)
  • Communicate with managing member and trainer for deliverables weekly
  • Ideally post content and manage analytics, but not required



The Pitch: 

Hi there!

I’m qualified to take on this opportunity because it’s exactly what I’ve been doing for a woman-owned business called XXXX, which makes custom merchandise for all industries, including health & wellness. (See an example here: Instagram Account).

I’ve run an influencer campaign with them with zero budget, and have helped them break into B2B sales after always focusing on B2C.

Prior to being a consultant, I lead social media and marketing programs for small startups, as well as for Groupon and Google.

Look forward to learning more!


Why We Like It: 

  • Show your real work: The job description asked for someone to run the company’s social media accounts so this member shared a link of the instagram page for the company she’s been consulting for. This provides a visual example of her work and gives her the leg up.
  • Share the value you can bring: This member shares that she led influencer campaigns for zero budget which means that she is scrappy and has the ability to successfully market without a big spend.
  • Be specific with related experience: This role wants someone who has experience in social media and marketing strategy, she not only shares that she has experience in the fitness industry (current role) but also at well-known tech companies including Google and Groupon.

The Second Shift in Fast Company!

In good company: The Second Shift is one of Fast Company’s 10 Most Innovative Workplace Companies.

#1  Microsoft, #4. Dropbox


For creating flexible gigs for mid-career women

The Second Shift is a small company, but it’s tackling a critical workforce problem: lack of flexible opportunities for women, especially mid-career, when many are assuming primary caregiving responsibilities for children and/or parents. The company connects employers with experienced women to fill in for positions or tackle special projects.


We could not have said it better. So proud to be recognized for the work we do and the amazing talent in our Second Shift members!! Keep you the good work and let’s continue to #makeworkworkforyou

Fair and Equal

These days, in many marriages men are becoming more “woke” to imbalanced invisible labor and the importance of realigning responsibilities, especially when both partners are working parents. A new Gallup study shows that even though men agree with the idea of gender equity in the home, the reality is that roles often fall according to gendered lines with women taking on most of the tasks around childcare and managing the household. However, and here is the rub, the same study shows that a majority of men think they are doing an equal share. That’s what Fair Play is all about– it’s a system for families to look clearly at the tasks that go into maintaining their family and deciding who and how they get done. It’s not always going to wind up being equal, but it should be transparent and honest and up for negotiation. 


Eve Rodsky, the creator of Fair Play, offered to coach two lucky Second Shift members as they reorganize their family responsibilities using the Fair Play system. Marlo and Pia (names are changed to protect their privacy) generously offered to let us follow their journey. Here are their initial thoughts as they start Eve’s process. 




How long have you been married?

11 years


How many kids and ages?

3 kids (ages 6, 9 & 11)


Where do you live?

Miami Beach


What inspired you to apply for a Fair Play bootcamp?

I read the book and loved it.  It resonated with me more than any other book I’ve read regarding the challenges I face trying to balance work and home responsibilities.


What makes you excited to work with Eve?

I am hoping that she can help me get my husband on board with implementing the program.  He is more hands-on and helpful around the house than many other husbands/dads I know, but I think he is afraid that the program is an attack on him and criticism of him not doing enough when he feels he does a lot.  I am excited to work with Eve so she can help me reframe the goal of the program and get him on board.


What is the ultimate goal and what does success look like?

My goals are to reduce the amount of home-related things that I’ve become solely responsible for and create clearer expectations with my husband as to who is responsible for what.


Was your partner/spouse on board? Has he/she read Fair Play?

He has not read fair play and has resisted reading it.  He claims to be on board with the book and with working with Eve, but I think he’s a bit afraid that it’s going to be an attack on him.




How long have you been married?

6 years in April 


How many kids and ages?

3 kids (12, 10, 2)


Where do you live?



What inspired you to apply for a Fair Play bootcamp?

The desire to have a stronger partnership 


What makes you excited to work with Eve?

She has amazing experience and insight on this topic


What is the ultimate goal and what does success look like?

More balanced approach and feeling like we can prioritize each other’s priorities as if they were our own


Was your partner/spouse on board? Have he/she read Fair Play?

My partner is on board. Neither of us has read FairPlay. 


Women on Fire! Join us March 9th.

In honor of International Women’s Day we hope you will join us for a special performance  of Women on Fire: Storie’s from the Frontlines:



This group of true stories was collected by writer and artistic director Chris Henry as she explores the “State of the United States” from different cultural, socio-economic, and diverse perspectives. The all-female cast will be complemented with a modern dance element choreographed by Lorna Ventura with original music by Lars Jacobsen.



The Second Shift team has a block of tickets set aside for our members, friends and allies. Please join us and stay after the show to hear Chris Henry and some of the performers talk about the making of the show.

  • Women on Fire: Stories from the Frontlines
    written by Chris Henry and As Told by a Group of Anonymous Women
    choreographed by Lorna Ventura.
  • The Royal Family Performing Arts Space
    145 West 46th Street, 3rd Floor
    New York, NY 10036

Comeback Careers with Ginny Brzezinski

Ginny Brzesinski and her sister-in-law Mika (you may have heard of her) have a new book out about making a career comeback in your 40s, 50s and beyond. It’s filled with valuable insights and advice from experts (including our co-founder Jenny Galluzzo) as well as a roadmap to pivot or relaunch a career. We had the chance to ask Ginny about her personal experience and inspiration for writing Career Comeback.


Tell us about your own personal journey and how that inspired you and Mika to write this book? 

I spent 12 years on Capitol Hill as a press secretary — a job I loved.  When my boss, Senator Bill Roth of Delaware, lost his re-election bid, I was 7 months pregnant with my second child and my oldest was barely one.  I took that election loss as my own personal off-ramp and embraced being an at home mom for seven years. When the kids were school aged, I got my real estate license and set up a business in residential real estate sales, a career that gave me flexibility and did not require a commute.


Fast forward ten years…as my kids were getting ready to fly the nest, it occurred to me that it was time for me to fly the nest as well — to seize the opportunity to do something meaningful and challenging, something I could love for the next 20 years.  I saw my kids transitioning into super exciting things, and I thought, why not me? But I had no idea how to do that – who changes careers or starts something new in their fifties? I did not know what that would look like or how I would get there…or if I was crazy since I was…gasp…over 50!  It was the perfect midlife storm.


So one morning as I was sitting there, contemplating how to make my next move and watching Mika on Morning Joe talking about her Know Your Value movement, it occurred to me that Know Your Value could help women like me who did not lean in or who had hopscotched their work life around kids.  I also felt that Know Your Value was not talking to women in Mika’s and my own age group. We “mature” women (seriously, we need to come up with new, more flattering verbiage here) have different wants and needs and challenges than Millennials. I thought that Know Your Value could help. So I texted Mika (it may or may not have been an all caps text…) and said KYV needs to help women like me, stat!  We have value too! And Mika texted back (while live on air, no less): Let’s do something together – join the team and we’ll write a book.


At the time, I didn’t think she literally meant a book.  I mean, who just says, let’s write a book? But I said yes, and here we are.


In researching this book, what was the most surprising you discovered?

I was surprised at how many women (like me!) had insecurities about their age and career zig zags.  To me, they appeared totally together, intelligent, amazing, experienced and strong. For so many, their confidence in the career area was crushed.  That’s why we came up with the #strongerwiserbetter hashtag. We all need a little reminder of how awesome we are, and how much value we have.


What do you think are the most important attributes that predict success in a career comeback?

The women I talked to who had successfully returned, transitioned, or started something new had been resilient, unafraid of failing, willing to learn new things, intellectually curious and they didn’t give up.  If they were returning after a career break, they had also been realistic about starting over and willing to play the long game – they realized that their first job back might be a lower level or for less pay, but that they would prove themselves and rise.


What is the goal of this platform and what do you hope to teach women about how to think about their career paths?

We wanted to know: how do you reboot, relaunch, return to, or reinvent a career at age 50?  Or 40? Or 60? And how can you create a career and life that provides purpose and financial security at age 50 and beyond?  With this book, we created a road map to find that comeback career, from revving up your networks to rebooting your resume and aligning your digital footprint with your goals — all through the 50+ lens. But as importantly, we help with the inner journey – rewiring your mindset, calling BS on ageism and building confidence.


Women often psych themselves out before they even get started—what do you advise women who lack confidence or think they cannot have a new career in their 40s and 50s?

We learned so much about the fears and deeply personal feelings women have when they are looking to make a comeback after midlife.  We put up barriers and find reasons why we can’t do things. Just get started – make it a priority.


A few mini tips from our book —


Build confidence through knowledge and expertise.   Make sure your skills and knowledge are relevant – relevancy trumps age every time!  Check out the LinkedIn profiles of people who are in jobs similar to ones you might be interested in.  Compare their resume to yours and see where you might need to brush up or fill in skills. Take a volunteer or pro bono project to freshen your resume.  Keep up with your industry, so when you are ready to go back you are conversant and knowledgeable in interviews.


Own your story.  Don’t apologize or be embarrassed about a career break or your age!


Rev up your network — 85% of jobs are found through connections – start having strategic conversations with people and let them know you are interested in returning or transitioning to a new field.  People want to be helpful – they may not have a job for you, but they may be able to connect you with someone in the field.


There is so much fear in this process!  But don’t fear failure — fear never trying!


Most of all, call BS on ageism, starting with the ageist narrative in your own head.  Turn your age into an advantage! Remember, with your age not only comes wisdom, maturity and experience, but you are more available – no more maternity leaves (!), no more carpools (or fewer), so much less drama.  You can put 120% into something, and that is a huge selling point.

Tell Us Your Story!

The Second Shift and Microsoft take on the “gig economy!”


Microsoft was one of the first employee partners we had at The Second Shift, hiring one of our members even before we had the site up and running. And in the years that we have been working together, the “gig economy” team has gone from a few visionaries to an entire cross functional team dedicated to leaning into the freelance economy.


When this team asked our co-founder Gina to speak at their Future to Work conference earlier this month she used it as an opportunity to introduce more than 400 employees and partners to The Second Shift and our incredible members. To balance out a day filled with research presentations and panel discussions on productivity, Gina told the story of Marie Thomasson, who found a way to balance her career and life as a single mom of twins with the remote work she did for Microsoft over almost two years. Using this real life example, the audience was given insight into why our members work this way and how valuable they can be to full-time employees.  


We are thrilled to be a part of the company wide program that will be rolled out at Microsoft and hope to bring you lots and lots of opportunities!