Business Abormal is the New Normal: How to Make Your Connections Pay Off!

The founders of Business Abnormal, Sandy Sloane, Lori Sussle Bonanni and Miranda Wilcox, are communications experts and fellow Second Shift members who teamed up to start their own collective and consultancy. They generously offered their time and expertise to their fellow members about the importance of connecting and tips for effective remote networking.


You can watch the entire presentation here.  



Building Community is Good Business

With priorities turned upside down and norms in constant flux, successful connections require increased attention, thought, and finesse. Whether it’s 1:1 connection, through your existing network or the world at large, building community is both complicated and crucial in our virtual world.
Connection Perfection: Why Building Your Community is Good Business

Tuesday, January 19th @ 1:00 – 2:15pm EST

This virtual event is presented by Sandy Sloane, Lori Sussle Bonanni and Miranda Wilcox, the founders of Business Abnormal, Second Shift members, close friends, and accomplished professionals with different skill sets yet similar mindsets. In this session, attendees will:

  • Uncover the value in diversifying their connections
  • Learn how to connect with others through listening and empathy
  • Identify best practices to solidify connections with those in their existing networks as well as to build new connections
  • Build actionable next steps for fostering meaningful connections

Build Your Brand with Ashley Mann

Ashley Mann used opportunities she had access to through The Second Shift to slowly gain the confidence to move from her full-time job to starting her own business.  Ashley is a publicist and mother of 2 under 2 who says pitch every job you are capable of doing because you never know where one conversation will go. Even if the exact job you are interviewing for doesn’t happen, that connection can lead to other opportunities!

In the spirit of community and giving-back, Ashley led an expert webinar on how to get attention in the media whether you are a selling a brand or yourself!

Click here to watch and enjoy! 


Ashley Mann Webinar: Gain Customer Attention and Build Your Brand


As COVID stretches into 2021, how can you continue to gain customer attention and build your brand?

Join our upcoming webinar, lead by publicist and marketing pro Ashley Mann, to find out! Ashley will discuss the challenges facing the media this year and provide us all tips to engage and earn coverage despite a busy news cycle. She will walk us through new strategies that stretch outside the traditional PR box, and show us some of the different ways that brands have successfully pivoted during this time.

In a unique and challenging year, the best thing you can be is innovative — so don’t miss this expert webinar!   Link here to register now.

Hope to see you there! Want to lead a webinar for our member community? Email us at

How to Conquer Working and Parenting During Covid




In case you missed it– Second Shift member, client, and founder of Mama Work it, Marisa Lonic, led an inspiring webinar last week about how to shift perspective, carve out personal time and be most productive with you work and family during Covid. As many places move toward a second phase of “lockdown” Marisa offered lots of practical tips about how to survive this winter with sanity and actually set yourself up for success.

Here are some takeaways:

  • Flip the script to a positive narrative by shifting from “get to” vs. “have to”
  • Multitask the mindless. Solo task the mindful
  • Schedule around your non-negotiables. Then add in what’s flexible.

Want to learn more: Watch the entire webinar HERE! 

Marisa published a time management book and scheduler aptly titled Time Momagement and you can purchase it here!


If you want to lend your expertise to our member community you can sign up to do a webinar by emailing us at


Member Webinar: How to Conquer Working AND Parenting During a Pandemic


The pandemic has hit working parents HARD. We’re juggling parent life, work life, fill-in-the-blank life, while trying to maintain our sanity and maybe even homeschool our kids. In this fantastic upcoming webinar, Marisa Lonic, Second Shift member and founder of Mama Work It, will be teaching us practical strategies to feel less stressed and more energized. These strategies will make a difference in the way we parent, the way we work, the way we show up in our relationships, and the way we show up for ourselves.


Join us November 18th! You don’t want to miss this.


‘Register here! 


If you are interested in leading a webinar for your fellow members please reach out to

Career Coaching Platform is LIVE!


The end of summer and return to school is akin to New Years for working parents. There is so much excitement around new beginnings, but this year feels so different, as it does in every area of life. Instead of focusing on work and encouraging you to get back to a work/life routine, we hope you will double down on yourself and invest time and energy into optimizing your career journey.

Today we are excited to announce the launch of our new career coaching platform where Second Shift expert career coaches offer their services to their fellow members at discounted rates. We’ve received a lot of interest so far and are thrilled to have an opportunity to strengthen our member ecosystem.

Here is how it works:

Unlike our normal process, in this situation interested members are the clients and the coach is the member. This is new for all of us so please have patience, feel free to ask questions and send feedback!
Email if you are interested in being matched with a coach. We will respond with:
  • A list of all of our coaches, profiles and rates.
  • An outline of the steps you need to take post your job, how you will be matched with coaches and the invoicing and billing process.
Looking forward to helping you find a Second Shift member to optimize your career strategy!
This is open to people outside of our member community so please spread the word!

Learn How to Network Online!

Second Shift member Sandy Sloane taught a member-led webinar on how to network remotely. Sandy is the founder of Solutions by Sloane, where she works with businesses on training and development, team building, events and public relations.  Her session on best practices to use online tools to network effectively was a huge success.


Everyone feels confused in this new world where meeting for coffee or going to a conference is no long the best option to get to know someone or ask a favor. Sandy taught us how to work a zoom to your best advantage, how to use LinkedIn to grow your network without feeling like a nudge, how to create a personal elevator pitch… There was so much actionable, useful, step-by-step information that we can’t even break it down to bullet-point highlights.  Here are a few things that  we learned:


  • How to make new contacts, and the proper way to reach out and connect with them
  • How to look professional in a remote setting
  • Online etiquette
  • Creating a personal elevator pitch
  • Tips for following up effectively


Watch the entire webinar here and enjoy!!


If you want to share your expertise with our member community reach out to us at






Learn How to Network in the New Normal


Hello Second Shift Community!

During the COVID 19 worldwide pandemic, virtual networking has become the new normal for making connections. Even though meeting people is just a click or two away, most of us feel a bit lost navigating a whole new networking landscape.

Our upcoming webinar, Navigating Online Networking, will provide best practices to use to make sure your ZOOM calls boom instead of bomb. Taught by Second Shift member Sandy Sloane, President of Solutions by Sloane, this event is for anyone looking to up their online networking game for professional and personal gain.

Navigating Online Networking
Tuesday, August 25th @ 1:00pm ET

Register Here

See you there!


Member-led Webinar: Work and Remote School Stress?

A lot of us are feeling anxiety about this upcoming school year and our inability to balance work and remote school. In this member-led webinar we will hear from HR expert Karen Finckenor and our workplace parenting advocate Lauren Smith Brody about how parents can work with their managers NOW to set themselves up for success this fall.
August 5th 1-1:45pm EST
It’s free and you can register here!