Featured Career Coach: Supriti Bhandary


Supriti has 25 years of experience in talent leadership. Her coaching goals are related to Executive Presence, Leadership + Interpersonal Effectiveness, and Managing Career Transitions. Her coaching model is eclectic, integrating cognitive and somatic approaches, so as to enable lasting changes in mindset and behavior for all of her clients. She leverages a personal, energetic and positive coaching style to support her clients as they explore the changes they wish to make.


Get in touch with us to get in touch with Supriti. She can’t wait to meet you! Email members@thesecondshift.com for more information. 


Keeping You Sane.


As we enter into month 10 of the COVID pandemic it’s become alarmingly clear that women are struggling and recent studies show a dramatic rise in sleep disorders, depression and anxiety in women. It’s our goal to partner with companies that offer services to help build our community up and set ourselves up for success at the end of this long nightmare.

We want to introduce you to Alma, a company that connects you to licensed therapists for all types of mental health needs. Alma is generously offering our members a special promotion on their services. We are also joining forces to do a study about where you are, how you are currently feeling, and what we can do to help.

Step 1: Fill out this survey

Step 2: If you are in the NY metro area they will connect you with a therapist who is right for you.

Step 3: Alma expert therapist, Laura Athey-Lloyd, is leading a webinar for all Second Shift members on Wednesday, February 24th at 1:00pm EST on staying sane during these trying times. Register here

Step 4: Laura will be answering questions that you send in through social media over the next few weeks. Follow us and ask away!

Business Abormal is the New Normal: How to Make Your Connections Pay Off!

The founders of Business Abnormal, Sandy Sloane, Lori Sussle Bonanni and Miranda Wilcox, are communications experts and fellow Second Shift members who teamed up to start their own collective and consultancy. They generously offered their time and expertise to their fellow members about the importance of connecting and tips for effective remote networking.


You can watch the entire presentation here.  



Featured Career Coach: Karen Finckenor



Meet our featured Career Coach this week, the lovely, Karen Finckenor!


Karen’s goal is for her clients leave to the conversation with actionable steps, confidence, and a new, inspired perspective on their career. Her areas of focus include Pivot Strategies, Resume and LinkedIn Development, Job Search Strategy, Interview Skills, and Negotiation.


Get in touch with us to get in touch with Karen. She can’t wait to meet you. Members@thesecondshift.com

Building Community is Good Business

With priorities turned upside down and norms in constant flux, successful connections require increased attention, thought, and finesse. Whether it’s 1:1 connection, through your existing network or the world at large, building community is both complicated and crucial in our virtual world.
Connection Perfection: Why Building Your Community is Good Business

Tuesday, January 19th @ 1:00 – 2:15pm EST

This virtual event is presented by Sandy Sloane, Lori Sussle Bonanni and Miranda Wilcox, the founders of Business Abnormal, Second Shift members, close friends, and accomplished professionals with different skill sets yet similar mindsets. In this session, attendees will:

  • Uncover the value in diversifying their connections
  • Learn how to connect with others through listening and empathy
  • Identify best practices to solidify connections with those in their existing networks as well as to build new connections
  • Build actionable next steps for fostering meaningful connections

New Year, Stronger You!

As we continue acclimating to 2021, we want to help you put your best foot forward — in more ways than one. Introducing our first wellness partner of the new year: P.volve!


P.volve’s women-focused functional training is the perfect way to get fit by prioritizing your health and building lasting strength. The digital full-body workout program uses resistance-based, high-intensity, low-impact movements to strengthen, sculpt and energize your muscles. You can search for specific workouts by length, body focus and equipment, or start one of P.volve’s series programs like “30-Day Evolution.” You can also use the P.volve app to set goals, get a custom plan, track progress and access nutrition + recipe guides.

They are offering 1 month unlimited access to their digital library of classes to The Second Shift and 30 days free in their virtual studio for live classes with our special code.

Get your first month free now! To redeem, click here. Select “1-month” and enter code SECONDSHIFT30 at checkout. $19.99/month each month there after. Cancel any time.

Let’s get our bodies moving together this month — whenever, wherever — with P.volve.

Build Your Brand with Ashley Mann

Ashley Mann used opportunities she had access to through The Second Shift to slowly gain the confidence to move from her full-time job to starting her own business.  Ashley is a publicist and mother of 2 under 2 who says pitch every job you are capable of doing because you never know where one conversation will go. Even if the exact job you are interviewing for doesn’t happen, that connection can lead to other opportunities!

In the spirit of community and giving-back, Ashley led an expert webinar on how to get attention in the media whether you are a selling a brand or yourself!

Click here to watch and enjoy! 


Featured Career Coach: Erin Grau


Meet Featured Career Coach, the fabulous, Erin Grau!

Erin is a proven talent and operations leader with 15+ years of experience in global organizations and startups. She helps increase the effectiveness of people and teams, optimizes performance to drive business outcomes, and creates the conditions that enable people to bring to life the best work of their lives. Her unique background enables her to serve as both strategic thought partner and executive coach. Her areas of focus include people strategy, organizational development, DEI, strategic operations, change management, and business transformation.

Get in touch with us to get in touch with Erin. She can’t wait to meet you.

Email us at members@thesecondshift.com

Ashley Mann Webinar: Gain Customer Attention and Build Your Brand


As COVID stretches into 2021, how can you continue to gain customer attention and build your brand?

Join our upcoming webinar, lead by publicist and marketing pro Ashley Mann, to find out! Ashley will discuss the challenges facing the media this year and provide us all tips to engage and earn coverage despite a busy news cycle. She will walk us through new strategies that stretch outside the traditional PR box, and show us some of the different ways that brands have successfully pivoted during this time.

In a unique and challenging year, the best thing you can be is innovative — so don’t miss this expert webinar!   Link here to register now.

Hope to see you there! Want to lead a webinar for our member community? Email us at members@thesecondshift.com

How to Conquer Working and Parenting During Covid




In case you missed it– Second Shift member, client, and founder of Mama Work it, Marisa Lonic, led an inspiring webinar last week about how to shift perspective, carve out personal time and be most productive with you work and family during Covid. As many places move toward a second phase of “lockdown” Marisa offered lots of practical tips about how to survive this winter with sanity and actually set yourself up for success.

Here are some takeaways:

  • Flip the script to a positive narrative by shifting from “get to” vs. “have to”
  • Multitask the mindless. Solo task the mindful
  • Schedule around your non-negotiables. Then add in what’s flexible.

Want to learn more: Watch the entire webinar HERE! 

Marisa published a time management book and scheduler aptly titled Time Momagement and you can purchase it here!


If you want to lend your expertise to our member community you can sign up to do a webinar by emailing us at members@thesecondshift.com