Author: Jenny Galluzzo
The Juggle: Mita Mallick!
It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon.
Our first feature is Mita Mallick— Head of Diversity and Inclusion and Unilever, mother of 2, wife and our friend. We are thrilled to showcase the many ways she is a total badass. This feature will run weekly and the group of women are a total inspiration!
Excited to share this with you!
Pitch Perfect: Content Marketing
Short. Sweet. Detailed. To the point. This pitch has a little of everything. As a content marketer the Member has unique ability to use her talent and craft to sell herself. Use her skills to your benefit and #makeworkworkforyou!
Hi! I was excited to see your role posted. As an avid user of xxx, I’d love to help your tackle the challenges and opportunities for your evolving business content platform. I use your product for deciphering terms for VC and M&A deals with clients. I’m currently the independent content director for a boutique fintech PR agency. I work on content projects for online lenders, payments firms, transaction monitors, data marketers, supply chain startups and more. My previous career includes in-house communications roles at payments companies American Express and Mastercard, as well as having a background (and degree) in journalism with five years of financial journalism experience. My content work spans C-suite thought leadership content, website/app copy, press releases, emails, social media campaigns, edcals, content audits, whitepapers, digital publications and more. Would love to discuss your needs in further detail. Sincerely, xxxx
LinkedIn Tips and Tricks!
Our resident LinkedIn guru and Second Shift member Katie Fogarty led a boot camp for a select group of NYC members but lucky for everyone else she is willing to give her tips and tricks to maximize success on LinkedIn!
- Posting Monday through Friday from 9-10am will win you the most eyeballs.
- It’s also the best time to send a LinkedIn InMail — and have it be read.
- Studies show that more LinkedIn members are active on a Tuesday than any other day of the week.
Here are three resources that offer guidance and inspiration for crafting powerful LinkedIn Summaries. Each of these resources shares examples.
- Add Punch to Your LinkedIn Profile Using These Examples as Inspiration
- 5 Templates That’ll Make Writing the Perfect LinkedIn Summary a Total Breeze
- Creative LinkedIn Profile Summaries to Attract Your Next Boss.
For more tips on leveraging LinkedIn, job hunting and telling a powerful professional story, you can follow Katie on LinkedIn here.
Featured Member: Susan Gilell-Stuy
I’m very thoughtful about what I take on and the people who work with and for me. I make sure that I keep my non-negoitables foremost in my mind when choosing what to say yes to.
The Secret Lives of Working Parents
A note from Jenny:
The idea of normalizing the conversation about parenting in the workplace is very important. A recent personal story written in The Atlantic highlights the importance of candor about the realities of family in the workplace and the lengths people go, ineffectually, to hide one side from the other:
“Why would people do this? Why pretend kids are of “little importance”? When work and parenting seem at odds—because our culture tells us they’re at odds—mothers and fathers feel forced to demonstrate their commitment to one (the work side) by minimizing their concern for the other (the parenting side). They do not want their bosses to think they are anything other than 100 percent committed. “
Employees cannot feel afraid of what might make someone else uncomfortable– aren’t they told by leadership to “bring your whole-self to work?” I am the boss and just this morning I was fearful about revealing a personal detail at work– I realized too late that I booked a meeting with a (female) investor too close to my son’s birthday party. I thought about pretending it was a different conflict but then decided to bring my “whole-self” to the conversation. I owned up to the mistake and the reason why I had to reschedule–it felt scary but freeing to choose to make be bold and vulnerable. Ultimately, if the investor didn’t get it then I don’t want to do business with them.
At The Second Shift, we try to create a world where we don’t compartmentalize life and work. I don’t want my employees to waste time and energy trying to figure out how to make it to ballet or to a doctor appointment with an ill parent. Better they just do their job efficiently and are responsible– I do this myself and need to trust them to be grown ups and do the same.
“Put simply, mothers and fathers ought to come clean about the nature of their lives. We can’t fix problems that we pretend don’t exist; we can’t improve the lot of parents at work if we pretend we aren’t parents.”
Pitch Perfect: 3 Questions Every Good Pitch Has to Cover!
Strong team leader, savvy marketer, and collaborative worker. I’ve run marketing teams big & small, in-house and as an external source. I understand how to get the most from teams and execute successful and clever plans. For example, as Head of Marketing for XXX, I successfully re-launched the brand with a 360 degree campaign which included a pop-up shop, PR campaign, music/celebrity partnership, event, digital campaign and more. At XXX I oversaw new club opening and market entries, as part of the marketing team – successfully doubling the business with guerrilla tactics. Today I run my own marketing consulting business where I craft and execute my client’s marketing strategies. One of my clients is a fertility start-up. I am assisting them with brand definition, pivot, marketing strategies and events – all very relevant to the role at XXX. I am based in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn with my 18 month old. I get it! I am living your target market! Let’s connect.
This winning pitch covers the three questions every good pitch should address:
- Why are you uniquely qualified for the role based on your past experience?
- What are you going to bring to the client that makes you the perfect person for the role?
- How do you think about the role/ project and what makes you excited to take it on?
Have questions about your pitches and want guidance? You can always reach out to our customer success team at
Featured Member: Leslie Grandy
Sallie Says: Just Buy the Latte!
Sallie Krawcheck busting myths about women and money in an article on the ways women are spoken down to when it comes to money and equity. Her message– buy the latte! Don’t let society tell you to save the latte cash and you will be rich or you have to choose if you are a Carrie (buys shoes) or a Miranda (saves money). This is a distraction from focusing on the systemic issues that keep women from gender equity.
“….as infuriating as it is to be patronized, that’s not the biggest issue. All this nonsense about lattes and shoes is shifting the attention–and thus the blame–for the underlying systemic money challenges women face, to the women themselves. The pink tax, the wage gap, the debt gap, the funding gap, the domestic work (and emotional labor) gap, and–my personal crusade–the investing gap.”
Sallie and her company Ellevest are taking power back into the hands of women with skills building, investment advice and financial tools to level the playing field. Because, she says, “As Gloria Steinem has said,– We will not solve the feminization of power until we solve the masculinity of wealth. So, ladies, buy the f***ing latte, because I’m going to need you caffeinated when we do this thing.”
Oliver Guide Founders Q and A
Oliver Guide is a crowdsourced travel platform where user share their travel recommendations for the community. It’s founders, Cynthia Pillsbury and Courtney Leary, are two mothers who love to travel with their families and created a platform to aggregate the information and tips they got from friends. In the spirit of celebrating family and travel and our community they are hosting a sweepstakes for our members to win some of their fave travel accessories.
What is Oliver Guide?
A platform for capturing and sharing travel recommendations.
You are both busy mothers with jobs– what inspired you to create this platform?
A need. We were both traveling a lot and asking friends for recommendations on where to stay, eat and what to do as friends and friends of friends are the people we trust the most when it comes to travel. At the same time were being asked to share our travel information which meant that we were going back to old emails and doing a lot of time consuming cutting and pasting. Oliver Guide solves that– once you create a guide, you can share it with others forever. And, you can access travel recommendations from friends with ease.
Cynthia– as a Second Shift member, do you have advice for any other women thinking about standing up a new business venture but feeling overwhelmed?
Remember to have fun with it. If you don’t love it and believe in it, don’t do it. Also, take it one step at a time, remember Rome wasn’t built in a day and often times the best ideas evolve with time, trail and error (yes error!).
What are your favorite travel destinations?
Courtney: Always love France, Santa Barbara and New York, but someplace new is the best.
Cynthia: I have my stand-bys – Vail and Nantucket, but have made a promise to take my children somewhere NEW and different every year. We loved Belize and Laos. Next on the list is (hopefully) Greece for kids and Japan for adults.
Best advice/tip you’ve learned through an Oliver Guide?
Courtney: How to do Art Basel, Miami. It was something overwhelming that turned into absolute fun once I knew what to do!
Cynthia: Traveling with children is not for the faint at heart. I love to go go go, but that does not always work for so we do… a little culture, a little beach (chill time), a little culture, and so on. I also download Google maps before I get to a location and have my Oliver Guide accessible via a screen grab (if I am not able to have cellular) so I have a plan of attack on the days’ activities. |