“My point is, you have to have insane confidence in yourself, even if it’s not real. You need to be your own cheerleader now, because there isn’t a room full of people waiting with pom‑poms to tell you, “You did it! We’ve been waiting all this time for you to succeed!” So, I’m giving you permission to root for yourself. And while you’re at it, root for those around you, too. It took me a long time to realize that success isn’t a zero-sum game. “ 

Who doesn’t love Mindy Kaling– she is a smart and funny feminist and her recent Commencement address at her alma mater Dartmouth College was true to form. Her theme of “why not me?” seems to be the anthem for women in 2018; Women are running for political office in record numbers, starting businesses and working to break all ceilings— this is the time for why not us? So go for it!