The End of the Girlboss Era


Second Shift member Aliza Licht wrote a wonderful article in Forbes refuting the negativity around the end of Girlboss, cancel culture and female founders. Our co-founder Jenny Galluzzo participated and has the closing remarks:

“Doing good and having a good business are not mutually exclusive,” states Jenny Galluzzo. “The optimism and energy of post 2016 feminism created a wellspring of excitement to disrupt the status quo. There is nothing negative about trying to change systemic inequity by re-writing the rules and creating your own power and money. That is true feminism.” 

Now let’s aim to make that a reality for all women, not just those with a current seat at the table.”

Read the full article here:

Featured Member: Kalyn Wilson

Kalyn Wilson is a perfect member to feature because she personally and professionally exemplifies the women in our member community. She is an optimistic, generous, thoughtful leader who uses her experience in HR and organizational development as a consultant to help companies better understand the benefit of Diversity and Inclusion for their companies.


Kalyn sees the Black Lives Matter movement as a teachable moment to help her white allies understand the history of systemic racism in the same way that we understand sexism and the role it plays in keeping women from rising up in the workplace.  Kayln teaches a webinar she created – A Crash Course on Being An Ally to Black Folks-for clients.


Tell us your work story : Who are you and what do you do?

I’m a witty, wise woman who’s influencing the field of HR for good. I use my extensive experience in Human Resources, Organizational Development, and Diversity & Inclusion to improve HR systems and amplify unrecognized talent.

You recently pivoted your career coaching practice to create programming for groups. How has this moment shaped your thoughts on what diversity and inclusion means.
Switching to groups means I get to multiply my impact on the world. Diversity and inclusion is a very sensitive topic for most of us, and I find that people feel more comfortable starting their D&I journey in the safety of a group. The shared energy can encourage people to share their thoughts or latch onto others’ “aha” moments to inspire their own. The group setting can accelerate learning. Plus, it’s just fun for me when I connect with large groups!
Why is it important to teach the history of the current protest?
It is critical to teach history, not just important. The issues at the center of the current protests are compounded layers of concerns, atrocities, and injustices dating back to the 17th century. That’s a lot of information to process, so I want to give non-Black people a crash course in how we reached this explosive point. I’ll share more than a simple recounting of key events; I’ll explain how the pivotal moments intersect and how these moments birthed the systemic issues permeating every layer of our nation’s racial experience – socially, politically, and financially.
Many people are confused about what language to use and how to interact on social media without being offensive or using outmoded paradigms to talk about race. What’s important to think about when trying to navigate these waters with empathy.
The smartest thing we can all do in this moment is to focus on strengthening our allyship within our sphere of influence. So many of us are functioning from a place of guilt, anxiety, and emotional overload. We try to outdo others and ourselves with the wittiest or “woke”-est statuses, just to impress or connect with strangers. This can be toxic – to us and others. Protect your emotional space and respect others’ emotional state by focusing on showing up in meaningful ways for your friends, family, and co-workers. Take a social media break if you need to or turn off the news. It’ll be worth it!


What is your proudest professional accomplishment?

My proudest professional accomplishment is pursuing a doctoral degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology. It represents my commitment to continuous learning and growth, and it also boosts the visibility of underrepresented talent. (My dissertation research centers on optimizing the Black male employee experience.)


What advice do you have for other women looking to make a career change but are afraid or lack confidence? How is it on the other side?


Validate your fear but don’t let it define you. I always say emotions are simply signals; they show us what we need to heal so we can move forward! You can do this, even if you take baby steps to get started. It feels surreal to be on the other side of fear and diminished self-confidence. Sometimes I still feel impostor syndrome, but I try to keep a list of my accomplishments in an Excel spreadsheet so I can encourage myself in those moments.


Do you have any advice on how to craft a winning pitch?


Imagine yourself as if you’ve already sealed the deal… How do you feel? What do you see yourself saying when meeting with the client? Can you see their joy as they look at your work? Use this vision’s positive energy to put how you’d add value into words. The mind is powerful and excited energy is too.


What is the best piece of professional advice you’ve ever received?


Focus on progress not accomplishments. Achievement addiction can be toxic. When you understand your “why” and the meaning behind the steps you take in your career, you avoid burnout and losing yourself.


How do negotiate the balance between life and work when you are the one setting the boundaries?


I recognize that it’s an ongoing journey where I never quite “arrive”. I try to let this excite me rather than frustrate me. For example, the pandemic triggered all kinds of major life changes for me; they’ve led me to pursue more creative outlets and change up my workout routine. It wasn’t expected (or welcome at first), but I can see how they’ll produce tons of long-term benefits.


How do you make work work for you? 


Wow… My answer to this today is so different than what I would have said three months ago. For work to work for me, I have to experience freedom – intellectually, creatively, and emotionally. I need to own my thoughts and my work, so I’ve been working on my communication skills to be an even stronger advocate for myself professionally. I firmly believe we teach people how to treat us by what we allow. How I set boundaries and communicate my professional needs to others sets the tone for our relationship and my work. That’s why I want to speak up for myself even more.

We Made It!!

How cool is this?? The Second Shift is a case study for a University of Oregon Executive MBA program! Thank you Stephanie Gioia for highlighting our unique approach to growth. Proud to be in company with Google, Netflix, Bridgewater, the U.S Army and Amazon! Thank you to our members for being our “special sauce.”

Stephanie found us and reached out to learn more about our business model, mission and philosophy on the future of work. After we finished our conversation she signed up as a member. To us, that means everything! This community of women is strong together; We fundamentally understand the need for this platform and are invested in each other’s success– we are grateful to you all for making this a business worthy of a case study.


Careers in Uncertainty


Our first series of member led webinars was a huge success! We thank those who donated their time and expertise for this Day of Service. We plan on doing many more of these sessions in the next few weeks. If you missed the session led by Ghita Filali on navigating your career in times of uncertainty you can see her presentation and her list of career resources below.

Navigating Your Career During Uncertainty 052120

Career Resources During Covid-19

If you are interested in leading a session for our member community please reach out at


Day of Service + Second Shift


On Thursday, May 21st The Second Shift is participating in a Day of Service with Unilever as part of their United for America initiative. We are hosting a series of FREE discussions and 1-1 sessions led by Second Shift expert career coaches to help you to make work work for you now, and always!

We are offering 2 larger format discussions and limited 1-1 sessions. Links to sign up for each session are below.

It’s free but there are space restrictions so sign up ASAP!

  • 12:30- 1:30 EST Ghita Filali will host a session on navigating your career during uncertainty.  In this workshop you’ll learn to:
    • Clearly identify and articulate to yourself the things you believe to be committed to
    • Set an intention for this period of time
    • What to do to adjust / modify / pivot?
    • Create a short list of actions (specific and tangible) to move your goals forward
    • Sign up HERE!
  • 3:30-4:30 EST Courtney Seard will lead The Mindset of Resilience. It’s what’s required in these times, it’s more than just positive thinking it’s a trait, a state, and a skill.
    • What is resilience? How do you create it?
    • Review the basics of the topic, how the mind works, provide tips, and lead  breathing and mini meditation exercise.
    • Sign up HERE!
Karen Finckenor and Amina AlTai have generously offered  a limited number of 1-1 sessions for members who want help with specific issues or need personalized guidance. To sign up for these email us at ( with subject Day of Service) and we will directly contact those who we are able to accommodate.


This is the first of what we hope will be an ongoing series of member led discussions. If there is something you would like to share with the larger community please let us know at

The New Workplace Model


Here’s to hoping the remote workforce is the “new normal.”

Great article on the benefits of embracing remote work when quarantine ends:


1. Less time commuting is better for your stress and benefits the environment.

2. Increases productivity of workers!

3. Cleaner and controllable environment for workers.

4. Saves money on transportation, child care and office space.

5. Employees are more satisfied when they have flexibility to work from home.

6. Less sick leave is a cost and time saver.

7. Mental and physical wellness of workers is improved with time to spend on mindful activities.


The Second Shift is uniquely positioned to help businesses trying to figure out how to maximize remote work and successfully set up for the new work place model– find us at

#workfromhome #makeworkworkforyou #remotework #talentinnovation

Fair Play in Quarantine!


Don’t miss this one– Jenny is speaking with Eve Rodsky of Fair Play live in a Luminary discussion about setting priorities and restructuring the division of invisible labor at home and at work during quarantine.

May 13th 5:30-7pm edt

Second Shift members use the code: THESECONDSHIFT to register here!

How to Support Working Parents


Jenny Galluzzo joined Mita Mallick, head of Diversity and Inclusion at Unilever, for a webinar with Mathison, a job marketplace for diverse talent, as part of their inclusive leadership series about supporting working parents during Covid-19 and in the future.


You can watch the full video here.


The main takeaways are:

Tips to Manage a Remote Workforce

Last week our amazing COO and Head of Product Michelle Pae did a panel with Luminary about managing a remote workforce. As a veteran of the tech product development world Michelle uniquely understands how to successfully organize, motivate and delivery an on-time product. Here are some take-aways and tips for creating culture including the importance of open and empathetic communication in quarantine.
1. Stand ups— daily quick check ins for daily goal and expectation setting.
2. Zoom fatigue is real— use Slack or calls to avoid virtual burnout
3. Lead with empathy— Ask how your team is doing, listen and respond flexibly based on need.
4. Create culture— Stay connected with ice breakers or cocktail hours.
5. Open communication is key— schedule one-on-ones to understand individual needs and goals.
Here are some other things we learned that are useful for managing remote work in quarantine and at all times.
  • In your one-on-one– ask workers about their bandwidth time-wise and emotionally. See if they have unique circumstance to plan around or if they have the time/ interest in taking on more responsibility.
  • Set clear individual and team goals and expectations.
  • Leave your door open so they can ask for help.
  • Work with your team to creatively problem solve
  • Be transparent and advocate for your team.

The Future of Work is NOW!


We’re at home, we’re productive, and many of us are getting used to it. Will this or something like it become the new reality for business? How much more flexible can the future workforce become? Join my co-founder Gina Breuer Hadley and Techonomy to discuss what a new acceptance of remote, distributed, and on-demand work mean for management and leadership, human resources, enterprise tech, product development, and not least of all, real estate and facilities management?

Friday at 11m EST. Register now!