We All Shine Together!


I recently learned a new term that I love, Shine Theory, coined by Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sow, their basic premise is “I don’t shine if you don’t shine”– meaning women are more powerful if we collaborate and support each other rather than competing and undermining ourselves. What’s interesting to me is how much has changed since they created this theory in 2013.


When Gina and I started The Second Shift in 2014 we could never have predicted the front row seat we would have to witness the social and political changes that would give birth to a new wave of feminism. In the past few years we have seen the rise of #metoo movement exposing the ways women are held back by unfair power dynamics in the workplace. To take matters into our own hands, women are founding businesses at a rate of nearly 2000 a day in the US. Yes, we still account for only 2% of Venture Capital investment, but we’ve gone around the system and created our own venture capital firms and investment avenues to nurture and support female founders.


Consider Wingable_able Partners, a boutique venture capital fund with an emphasis on supporting female founders, partnered with The Wing to create an investment accelerator providing both funding and mentorship. Partner Lisa Blau says, “ A great deal of success—for better or worse—lies in your network. Men have worked this to their advantage for years. We’re bringing that type of network effect to a group that has been overlooked and left out of the network far too long: women. It’s instinctual for women to collaborate so this partnership with The Wing to support talented women was a natural fit.”


Today there is a women’s affinity group, co-working space, networking breakfast for even the most specific interest or community. If you’re entrepreneurial you can join The Riveter, political join The Wing, mid-career leveling up look into Chief, founder join Female Founders Collective, creative sign up with Heymama. As Katya Libin, Heymama co-founder says, “collaboration is the new competition.” This new feminist moment is about finding or creating your own space and seeking comfort with women who make you feel strong and powerful — but not at the expense of anyone else. There is a “more is better” attitude that is a remarkable change from old-fashioned trope about women’s cliques and competitiveness. I should know– I float between them all doing career building and speaking events across the country– and what I have seen is a level of collaboration and cooperation that proves that Shine Theory works.  


For those who say we are operating outside the system and will never crack the glass ceiling of the male-dominated corporate world– I say look at successful female-founded businesses, like iFundWomen, nurtured and funded by female-founded investors to help provide capital and skills for other women founders. Instead of focusing on the glacial pace of change and stagnant statistics… why not focus on the points of light where women are shining and making real progress. It’s a remarkable moment to bear witness to and an exciting time to be in the women’s empowerment business.


Ladies– let’s #shinetogether!


Meet our Featured Member Carolyn Montrose Dub

We are so excited to share our interview with this month’s featured member, Carolyn Montrose Dub. In case you missed her debut television appearance with Jenny on the Today Show you can watch it here!
She is kind enough to offer her hard-earned wisdom and wonderful advice, it exemplifies the kind of generosity and pay-it-forward ethos that can and will inspire real change in the workforce. And we urge you to read her advice on navigating a career change very closely; it’s a veritable GPS.
Tell us your work story: Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Carolyn Montrose Dub and I’m a mom, marketer, volunteer, and runner. After a 14-year corporate marketing career, I became a mom and ventured out on my own, taking on consulting gigs and conducting sales and marketing workshops for teams.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment?
Had you asked me five years ago, I would’ve said winning some award. Today, my proudest professional accomplishment is leading a well-rounded life that includes family, creative marketing projects, volunteer work, and endurance training. I feel balanced, not burned out, and I thoroughly enjoy the work I do.
What is the hardest challenge you’ve faced, work-wise?
The hardest professional challenge I’ve faced is the identity crisis I had after my daughter was born and I left my corporate job. For years, my identity hung on professional accomplishments. When that piece went away, I asked myself daily, Who am I? A mom? A marketer? A leader? I didn’t have the confidence at first to manage both. It took a long time, and a lot of trial and error, to figure out that I could enjoy motherhood and a career.
If you could change one thing about how your given field operates, particularly with regards to women, what would it be, and why?
The perception that a career break means a career is forever broken has to change. We have to work with companies to transform career breaks into breakthroughs for women. How? Better programming and tools that help women prepare for a break, prosper while taking one, and integrate better, if and when they decide to return to full-time work. Training programs, digital tools, grassroots community events for moms and women thinking about starting a family…I could go on all day.
What advice do you have for other women looking to make a career change but who are afraid or lack confidence? How is it on the other side?
Step 1: Listen. Set up coffee dates with women who’ve chosen different paths. Come prepared with questions, even the hard ones, and listen. Learning breeds confidence.
Step 2: Study your LinkedIn profile and resume. If you are taking a break, think about the things you didn’t have the opportunity to do while working full-time. Examples: networking more, taking a class, pursuing a project that’ll fill a hole in your resume, exploring a new hobby. Choose three of those things and get excited about pursuing them on your own timeline.
Step 3: Brainstorm easy ways to stay on top of your industry. Podcasts, curating news into a social feed, and keeping in touch with former colleagues are easy ways to remain connected and relevant.
Step 4: If you have a partner or spouse, work with them to make sure you can pull it off financially. Understand that you may have to cut back and set those expectations up front. Adding financial stress to the fatigue motherhood guarantees will set you back.
Most importantly, believe that you can do it. When you start doubting yourself, seek support from loved ones.
What continues to draw you to your chosen field and what do you hope to accomplish in the years ahead?
Creativity draws me back to marketing. I’d like to continue to grow my business and show my daughter that creating a life full of color and variety is possible whether you’re a mother or not.
What is the best piece of professional advice you’ve ever received?
People treat you the way you train them to.
Who has been your biggest cheerleader // supporter // mentor? (We love to spread the love here at The Second Shift!)
Early in my career, I worked for a media executive named Laura Schroff. Laura is now a New York Times bestselling author of An Invisible Thread (@lauraaninvisiblethread). She is one of the kindest people I know. She believed in me, opened doors that led to promotions even though she’d be inconvenienced losing an assistant, fought for my tuition reimbursement when I was working full time and in grad school at Columbia, and taught me a lot about media and life. I’m forever grateful for working with her.
How do negotiate the balance between life and work when you are the one setting the boundaries?
It’s about setting expectations more than boundaries. If I go for a run from noon to 1:30PM, I have to be comfortable with opening my laptop from 8-9:30PM to make a deadline the next day.
If you could tell your younger self one thing about what this professional journey would be like, what would you tell her?
Fear does not prevent death, it prevents life (no idea who said this but I love it). Looking back, there are many things I wish I pursued but didn’t because I was scared. Once I realized that I survived every failure I had along the way, I understood that failing is learning and a necessary part of the journey.
How do you make work work for you?
This goes back to setting expectations and creating tenets to live and work by. Mine are: nothing will ever be perfect (mom or not), flexibility doesn’t equal coasting, and every personal and professional opportunity is a gift.
If you are interested in being a Featured Member please fill out this survey

Happy Valentine’s Day from Us to You!

Like this pic of our founding team? You too can have a gorgeous headshot taken by the talented and hilarious Sharon Suh. As a Valentine’s Day promotion Sharon is offering 20% off team photos/ headshots with the code SECONDSHIFT.

If you are in the NYC area (she also travels) we hope you take the opportunity to have professional photos taken– it really sets you up for success because you never know when you will need one. Believe us, nobody actually looks that rested and shiny on a good day around here…. There is a major difference between your iphone camera and having someone take your picture and then re-touch it.

So treat yourself and get in touch with Sharon: Sharonsuh333@me.com! 

My Maternity Leave: A Cautionary Tale

I wish The Second Shift existed when I was going out on maternity leave.  As an admittedly type A personality, I plan everything, including the step back in my career that I took a year in advance of getting pregnant.  In my role as a sales manager, I was responsible for a national team and was on the road almost every week.  I was thrilled with my achievements and moved quickly up the corporate ladder. But I knew I wanted to start a family and this was not a schedule that would work once I had a baby.


So I left management, took a step back and moved to a new company as an individual contributor. I followed all of the advice I had given my direct reports over the years: I was super buttoned up with my notes, follow-ups and pipeline.  Once I got pregnant and maternity leave was imminent I became me even more diligent. Pregnancy brain be damned–my turnover documents were super thorough. As my belly was expanding I prepped all of my clients about my coverage plans. I had ALWAYS hit my goals, and I was not about to let having a baby tarnish my record.


The team covering my leave was an incredible but overworked account manager and a sales manager who was already tapped out with too many internal meetings. So even with all the prep work, I came back to crickets…  No meetings scheduled, a non-existent pipeline and revenue numbers below 50% for Q1. Not having a maternity leave fill-in wasn’t just a bad business decision for me, but for my company as it meant lost revenue for multiple quarters. It wasn’t the fault of my back-up team, they were already stressed about their own jobs and responsibilities. They should never have been made to cover my work– I should have had a backfill. It was a devastating and unnecessarily stressful “welcome back” for a sleep deprived and emotional new mother.


….If there had been a The Second Shift I likely would not have chosen to take a step back in my career path and leave my sales management role. I would have realized there were other options for my growth.

….If there had been The Second Shift I would have found the perfect member to fill in during my leave. We could have worked together to prepare ahead of my birth and she could have been there to assist me during my transition back. I would have felt supported and my team would have not resented me for the extra work they shouldered while I was gone. Work could have continued on successfully and my sales numbers would have reflected the positive effects of an unbroken workflow with no loss of momentum.


The Second Shift offers you options and takes the burden off parents, families, and co-workers. And I am proud to be a part of this team that supports and encourages female growth and keeps women engaged in the workforce.

Mind the Gap

There is a really interesting article in Fortune about why the pay gap persists in lucrative fields where with plentiful female talent. For example:


“The difference is even more pronounced for financial managers, where there’s a 35% gap. And in the legal field, the average salary for men is $140,270—a full 24% more than the $106,837 women earn.“


Why? We know why:


-sexism and discrimination

-women having children during the most demanding years to get ahead

-women taking lower paying less high-profile jobs to juggle career and family

-women negotiating poorly for themselves


What is interesting is seeing what is being done about it, not enough!


-many tech firms doing yearly salary audits and leveling up gender pay inequity

-pay equity laws in 40 states

-20 states do not allow employers to ask salary history


With 100 women in Congress in 2019 it will be exciting to see if more female/ family friendly legislation is passed. in the meantime, we encourage employers to learn about how The Second Shift can help you retain and attract critical, mid-career professional women to #superchargeyourwork.


Reach out to info@thesecondshift.com

Tech Bridging the Equality Gap

How is technology keeping women in the workforce? Second Shift member Marie Thomasson outlines how she is able to use key tech products to work for Microsoft and others remotely and productively in the newest issue of Techonomy magazine.


Whether you are video conferencing or sharing files through the cloud, there are myriad ways for hiring managers to think outside the box and hire top level women for remote work–that’s where The Second Shift comes in:


“Thomasson also relies on technology to find compelling work opportunities like this one. She connected with Microsoft on The Second Shift, our online marketplace of expert women interested in on-demand projects. By choosing to forgo upfront fees for members and companies, and instead screening experts and opportunities our service is home to a range of curated talent and projects across disciplines. It helps makes freelancing viable for women like Thomasson.”


Want to #makeworkworkforyou? Sign up for The Second Shift! Want to #superchargeyourwork? Post a job today!

Year of the Woman!

2018 has been dubbed the Year of the Woman and the results of the midterm elections certainly back up the title! What a thrill to wake up to see the historic election results: 

– A record 117 women were elected to office

– 42 are women of color and 3 are LGBTQ

-The first Native American and Muslim woman will serve in Congress

It will be interesting to see what happens in the national government when there are more women calling the shots. What do we hope for at The Second Shift– a focus on parental leave, universal pre-k, childcare subsidies– the building blocks that help working women remain engaged in the workforce because work = empowerment! It’s time to shift things forward for all women and #makeworkworkforyou. 

In the words of Ayanna Pressley, the first African- American woman to represent Massachusetts in Congress: 

“When it comes to women of color candidates, folks don’t just talk about a glass ceiling; what they describe is a concrete one. But you know what breaks through concrete? Seismic shifts.” 

Photo: @morganpansing @voteyourchange @sarilehrer

Featured Member Tara Barnes!

Little makes us happier at The Second Shift than watching women successfully reimagine their professional lives, shift gears, and set their own terms. And when they do that while trying to make positive changes for women and workers everywhere, we get downright giddy. That’s why Tara Barnes is this month’s featured member. Add to that her tremendous work ethic, laser focus, and clarity of vision, and we think you’ll find her every bit as inspiring as we do.

Tell us your work story : Who are you and what do you do? 

I am the Manager of Operations at an event and incentives agency, managing a team of eleven full-time Account Managers and Project Managers. I have had a bit of a unique career arc, as I spent the first ten years working in marketing and brand strategy, but within the last 3 years have shifted more into people and business operations after completing my MBA.

What is your proudest professional accomplishment?

Getting my MBA. I was an admittedly poor undergraduate student, with terrible study habits and a lot of procrastination. I wanted to elevate myself and my career when I was 31 and decided that more depth in business was the way to go. I worked full-time almost my entire MBA program, and also got pregnant and had my first baby. It was an immense amount of work, but I learned so much, both by way of actual knowledge and about myself as a professional.

What is the hardest challenge you’ve faced, work-wise? 

My hardest challenge was trying to improve a negative company culture in a small organization where my co-leadership was contributing to the problem and making decisions that I didn’t agree with. I did my best to present business cases for changes and programs I was recommending, but I ultimately ended up leaving because my position was eliminated and I was asked to move into a role I’ve left behind in my career path. I was very close to my team and to their needs, so it was a sad decision to have to make.

If you could change one thing about how your given field operates, particularly with regards to women, what would it be, and why? 

I’m in the unique position of working for a women-owned (and dominated) company in a field (hospitality) that trends toward being more women than men. One thing I wish I didn’t see in this field is how often women are judged and accepted for their appearance and not for their work performance. This judgment is non-discriminatory, as both men and women do it.

What advice do you have for other women who are looking to make a career change but are afraid or lack confidence? How is it on the other side?

Find a company you believe in and someone who believes in you. I had over a decade in marketing when an MBA classmate offered me a role in people/culture, and while it was a big leap of faith, I tapped into a passion and skillset I didn’t know that I had.

What continues to draw you to your chosen field and what do you hope to accomplish in the years ahead?

I like the energy of the hospitality industry, and there a lot of fun, creative problems to solve even in the realm of logistics and resourcing. I would like to broaden my operations experience across various departments, but I don’t necessarily see myself staying in this particular industry forever. I am very drawn to industries (non-profit) and companies making a positive impact on the world. I want to wake up inspired every day. My daughter has Down Syndrome so I would love to find my way into work that supports individuals with disabilities.

What is the best piece of professional advice you’ve ever received?
Know when to zoom in and zoom out. It’s just as important to get into the weeds on details and tasks as it is to step back and consider bigger picture strategy, and knowing when to do each is crucial.

Who has been your biggest cheerleader // supporter // mentor? (We love to spread the love here at The Second Shift!)
My current manager Shelley White has been such a breath of fresh air in my career. She supports, trusts, challenges, and empowers me, and is such a strong role model for a working mom who’s worked hard to get where she is today.

How do negotiate the balance between life and work when you are the one setting the boundaries?

Because I have two young children, work-life balance is incredibly important to me. I rely on crystal clear expectations and communication, both with my manager and staff. People know when I’m available when I’m out of the office, and that in general, I am offline and unavailable between 5-8 pm so I can focus on my family. I also respect my team’s family lives as well, so I try not to email or reach out to them in the evenings and on weekends.

How do you make work work for you? 

I set my own limits and communicate them clearly. No one ever wonders where I am because my calendar is up to date. Because I manage the largest team in the company, I’m in the office 4 days per week, but I will ask for more remote days if I need them. I create time to take my kids to the pediatrician, drop my daughter off at preschool once a week, and work at her preschool once per month. My work from home day means I get to nurse my baby on that day, which is really special because he’s only 6 months old (and it’s one day I don’t have to pump!). I also make sure to shut down at the end of every day and focus on my family, and my team knows to expect that and text if there are ever emergencies. My family is incredibly important to me, as is being present with my kids and partner. I’m laser-focused at work and often work through lunch, so it’s all a balance.

Professional Summary Do’s and Dont’s!

Advertisements for Yourself: The Dos and Don’ts of Creating Your Professional Summary

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Remember that classic commercial one-liner? True then; true now. And most definitely true when it comes to writing your professional summary. It’s the very first thing an employer will see, and although it’s not public, it’s external facing, an enticement to learn more. Bold, confident, concise, and chock full of experience, this is your opportunity to celebrate your best self. Think of it as the highlights reel of your C.V., your most baller work face. In other words, if your professional summary doesn’t draw in the employer, your professional summary isn’t working hard enough for you. Here, some pro tips for how to get it to work harder. 

Do …

Think in terms of your professional brand value. Connect the dots for your audience between your value and their needs. This is the ultimate answer to that horrible perennial cocktail party question, “So … what do you do?”
Stop apologizing! Emphasize the skills you have that will get you hired. You don’t need to explain why you’ve stepped away from the traditional full time work force, or why you’re pursuing new avenues. Your career is a marathon with different paces at different markers, don’t treat it like a sprint.
Have a friend read it over. Because your best friend knows how amazing you are and will make sure you are selling the most badass version of yourself versus burying the lead.

Don’t …

Simply reiterate your resume. This shouldn’t be a copy and paste job. Nor should it be the 5000 word corporate bio crafted by a professional at your last place of employment. Rather, it’s the story of your professional life in a few fast and punchy sentences, the top line highlights.  
Talk about what you want. This isn’t about what you’re looking for; it’s about who you are.
Be long-winded. This is your elevator pitch, not a cover letter. Brevity is key.

Personal Summary Do Example: Specific about where she has worked and her particular expertise and experience in house and as
a consultant.

I have provided insights and analysis for customers in pharmaceuticals, consumer package goods and financial services since 2002. My experience spans from the
most elite advertising agencies such as EURO RSCG Tatham and DDB to premier Fortune 500 clients, Pfizer, P&G, JNJ, Novartis, Microsoft and many more. As an
independent professional, I am a qualitative moderator, strategic planner and marketing consultant. 

Personal Summary Don’t Example: Not enough specifics— use names of companies and metrics to prove your success. Reads
stream of conscious not tight and cohesive. Unnecessary to put in personal social work unless it works in with professional story and/
or goals. 

Media and tech industry leader with extensive experience across the US, Latin America, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. An accomplished strategist, business
developer, product leader, marketer and researcher having led strategic initiatives for numerous leading media brands, negotiated partnerships, established new
business ventures, managed cross-functional project teams and launched products and services all over the world. In addition to my extensive career in the media
sector, I am also the founder of Pebbles of Hope, a non-profit formed to help premature babies thrive through parent education. I am also a full-stack developer
with programming skills in Python, Java and Ruby. I am seeking a senior level strategic part-time or project-based role focused on product development and
management, particularly for a consumer-focused product in the technology sector. I love exploring and evaluating growth opportunities for a business, launching
new products, conducting research and developing strategic plans.

How to Update Your Profile

Since our re-launch in early August, we have asked you to be sure your profile is updated. Thank you to those members who have gone in and do this already! However, many of you have not yet completed your updates, even though you are still pitching for projects.

Here is why profile updates are important:

1. We are refining the way in which we match projects. 

Based on your feedback we are starting to limit your matches to your geographic area. As we continue to grow our client base, an increasing number of projects require some time in office. If your geographic area is not up to date, then you will miss out on matches

So if your profile lists your location as “Springfield”, your street address, or “New York”, please go and update it to include your City and State. Also, you must select your nearest metro area to be sure you are matched accurately. 

Here’s how:

When you log into your account, click on the little arrow beside your name in the upper right corner. Then click View My Profile.


Here, you will see your profile. Click “Edit” in the section marked Summary.


Now you can properly enter your City and State. Be sure to select the correct option that appears as you type. Also select your nearest metro area to ensure you are being matched properly.


While you’re here, tell us if you’re interested in a full-time job (with flexibility!), and check that your Professional Summary is up to date. Remember that employers see this summary, so make sure that it is relevant and (briefly) describes your experience and interests. Remember that employers are short on time, so they don’t want to read your autobiography, so keep it brief and to the point. 

Once you’re finished with this section, click “Save”.

2. Employers are looking for more detailed information about you.

Next, add, your resume and your website if you have one, and most importantly your LinkedIn profile. We know that employers want this information the most, so if you don’t have it on your profile, they may look past you to another member who does. 

Click the “Edit” button beside the Additional Materials section to add these critical elements. 


3. We added 20+ new skills (and removed many as well!)

When we rebuilt our system, we added many new skills that reflect what employers are looking for. You may have lost a few skills in the transition, so please go and make sure you have properly selected the right ones. PLEASE only choose skills in which you have subject matter expertise. 

Because this drives your matches, select only those skills that you would want to work on as a project. For example, if you once did some hiring at a previous job, but you are not a professional recruiter, or if you do not want to do a recruiting job, do not select it as a skill. 

Think about your strengths and interests. What would you hire you to do?


4. We have added Work History and Education to help with matching

Finally add your Work and Education histories. Note that in some cases, we may have lost your school information in the transition, so be sure that this information was not cleared out. If you’re adding a new company in your work history, or a new school, select the “Add new:…” menu that appears while you are typing. Not doing this may prevent you from saving your information.


Once you’ve updated all of this information, then your profile is updated! While it seems like a lot of steps, it should only take you 5-7 minutes to get everything done. We recommend you do this on your computer or iPad, not your phone! It will be faster and easier to manage.

Don’t delay! 
Log into your account and get updating! 80% of the projects we have posted since the new platform launched have gone to members with updated profiles!!!

Have questions or issues? Contact us.