Women Make Good Decisions and the More Women, the Better the Decisions!


Interesting read from Harvard Business Review about how adding women to the c-suite leads companies to shift they way they make decisions. The good news– the study shows the more women hired the better! Here’s why:

1. Firms become more open to change and less open to risk–leads to management teams embracing transformation without taking huge risks.
2. Firms shifted focus from M&A to R&D– shift from knowledge-buying to knowledge-building strategies.
3. The impact of female appointments was greater when they were not “the only” woman in a particular role– larger shifts in thinking occur when new hires are brought in as small cohorts.

Want to hire more women into your business and transform for the better? Hire through The Second Shift to access top-level female talent for all of your full/ part/ flex hiring needs!

Expert Webinar: Let’s Talk About Maskne



Wellness comprises everything from how we feel to how we see ourselves so if you’re like us, you might be fatigued from the maskne in the mirror.


Our April webinar is focused on skin care with Kathleen Callahan, lead Esthetician at HelloAva, a personalized skin care platform that uses AI to find the right products for your skin type. Kathlees will give a primer on how to deal with pesky maskne so we show up for a new season with a fresh face and a fresh outlook.


Join us April 20th 

12:30-1:30pm EST


Register HERE!

Featured Member: Anna Taylor


Anna Taylor is the head Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for an online gaming and sports betting company. A self-professed community-nurturer who prides herself on relentlessly learning and campaigning for others to expand their own awareness. Anna strongly believes that the impetus to expand our empathy is on all of us as a larger human community.


What is your proudest professional accomplishment?

I think that it is a combination of a lot of little moments. Every time an employee from a marginalized community reaches out and says, “thank you for helping to amplify my voice,” or when an employee tells me they’ve had an “ah-ha” moment as an outcome of DEI programming, or when someone from my team says, “I’m always learning something from our conversations.” 


I am energized when I can facilitate a seat at the table for everyone. I am energized when I can help to create equity that didn’t exist before. I am energized when I know that all of the little actions we do as an organization add up to a big impact for historically underrepresented communities.


What is the hardest challenge you’ve faced, work-wise?

I think being told “no” when I know how important an initiative or practice is to a marginalized community within the organization. In the DEI world, you get a lot of “no’s” until you get some “maybe’s” until you get a “yes.” You have to have grit; you have to learn to accept rejection and you have to get back up and keep fighting for what you know needs to happen.


If you could change one thing about how your given field operates, particularly with regards to women, what would it be, and why?

If I could change something with regard to women, it would be to think about them more intersectionally. We experience interdependent layers of discrimination and privilege, so it’s important to understand how we fully experience societal and organizational advantages in order to dismantle systems of inequality properly.


What advice do you have for other women looking to make a career change but are afraid or lack confidence? 

Don’t give up – I know it can be discouraging. It will likely take you longer than it did to make a lateral homogeneous career shift, due to the nature of moving out of your area of expertise. So in the meantime, level up your skills by taking a class, meet people at industry networking events, join a board, offer your skills to a non-profit. Use the extra time you may have in the job market to bolster what you will bring to the table for your next employer. That way when you DO land your dream job, you’re going in confident with all you’re bringing to the table.


How do you make work work for you? 

Do some soul searching and make sure you deeply understand your work motivation, whether that is salary, flexibility, passion, etc. For me, doing the work I’m passionate about, helps to provide the motivation I need from time to time when I get into a slump. Knowing that the work I do every day makes my organization more equitable and inclusive, is my North Star.


Want to be a Second Shift Featured Member? Fill out this form! 

March is for Menopause



Thank you to Dr. Sarah de la Torre for breaking down everything we need to know about women’s sexual health as we age. Here’s the thing about menopause… it’s a reality for all women and shouldn’t be a mystery or taboo subject. In our March member webinar we discussed menopause, libido, hormone replacement, supplements and products to ease symptoms. It was hugely helpful, interesting and we hope you enjoyed it. Thank you to Joylux, a line of products and supplements for menopausal women,  for sponsoring the program.

If you missed this incredible webinar you can watch it through the link below.

Watch the entire webinar HERE! 

Expert Webinar: Everything Menopause!


Let’s explore our sexual health, especially as we age, with a webinar hosted by Dr. Sarah De La Torre, OB-GYN and sponsored by Joylux, a company making products for menopausal women.

Dr. De La Torre will talk about all things menopause / perimenopause and answer questions about sexual issues and hormone replacement. Nothing is off the table.
Women’s Sexual Health: Solving the Mysteries of Menopause & More
Wednesday, March 10th @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST

Fuzzy brain? Don’t worry, it’s just stress!


A friend recently made a visit to her Ophthalmologist because her eye was twitching so often she could barely drive. Convinced she had a brain tumor she made an emergency appointment only to be told that no, she was just burnt out.


Sound familiar?  We are nearing the year anniversary of the pandemic and women’s mental health is in a state of crisis. Anxiety, depression, sleep issues– women are burnt out from the constant stress of childcare and work.


In February, we partnered with Alma, a platform that connects people to licensed therapists in the New York metro area, to do a study of our members and what they are feeling right now; unsurprisingly 77% say their mental health has worsened over the past year— the two most common reasons– feeling overwhelmed by work and family.


The Second Shift and Alma hosted a talk with Dr Laura Athey- Lloyd, a clinical psychologist, to normalize what people are feeling, discuss mindful solutions and how to ask for help when you need it.



The need for therapists across the country is outweighing the supply and finding someone to work with can be a difficult and long process. 72% of members surveyed say they would like to hire a therapist but going through the process of finding one feels like too much additional stress. If you are looking to find someone to speak with quickly Alma will do the work for you and connect you directly with a therapist that has time and availability.

Fill out this form to get matched!

Featured Career Coach: Zuleika Cuevas

An HR change agent, career coach, and training/leadership development strategist, Zuleika is a passionate champion of unleashing the workforce potential of a diverse environment. She is the CEO and Founder of EDIE, where training includes: Diversity & Inclusive Excellence; Performance Management; Change Management, Feedback Conversations; Women in Leadership; Women in Leadership-Breaking Barriers; Mentoring; Succeeding as a Professional; and more!
Get in touch with us to get in touch with Zuleika. She can’t wait to meet you! Email members@thesecondshift.com for more information. 

Keeping you healthy, inside and out!

Daily Harvest believes in a world well-fed. One where delicious food that’s built on organic fruits and vegetables is also incredibly convenient. Perfect for busy working women who need quick, simple food that is nourishing, healthy,  and delicious.

Their in-house chefs and nutritionists craft recipes that are actually healthy and undeniably delicious and free of refined sugars, gluten, fillers, preservatives, or artificial anything.


Use code thesecondshift25 to get $25 off your first order

Primal Scream: Working Mothers are suffering and how to help

It’s no surprise that working mothers are struggling– we are leaving the workforce in record numbers because, as Second Shift research shows, the demand of ongoing childcare costs and remote schooling is taking its toll. Add in the stress and anxiety of the past 10 months and we are facing a mental health emergency. Both New York Magazine and The New York Times have features this week about the overwhelming and unrelenting pressure facing working mothers. The always insightful Claire Cain Miller has a list of what government, employers, friends and family can do to help.

  • Offer part-time schedules or unpaid leave
  • Pay for childcare
  • Don’t penalize people for caregiving
  • Don’t go back to “normal” office life
  • Extend Coronavirus paid leave
  • Send money to parents
  • Offer tax credits to businesses that retain or rehire mothers
  • Give Social Security credits for unpaid caregivers
  • Open schools
  • Make the solutions permanent
  • Men can do their share and take on the biggest gendered issue in the home.
  • Friends can bring meals or take kids for a walk or mail an activity kit
  • Communities can provide tutors and outdoor activities

As part of our partnership with Alma to provide mental health services to our members, we encourage you to fill out this survey to help us help you. Alma is providing free matching to therapists in the NY metro area and hosting a webinar on Feb 24th at 1pm with an expert therapist to answer your questions– register here