Working women in the US carry an unfair burden–We all know it’s true, and now it is print, so it must be. In the UpShot column of the NY Times last Sunday the headline was “More Time to Unwind, Unless You’re a Woman.” Unwind… what a nice idea. Not sure where the time for relaxing fits in between work, making sure the diorama is done, lunch is packed, Fall activities are signed up for, presents are bought, and maybe, just maybe you get in a work out. Is working out and getting waxed considered relaxing??
Basically, the article’s premise is based on a study that shows that over the past century or so older men are working less, and enjoying themselves more. Teenagers are working less, and enjoying more. And women are working more (100 years ago women barely worked, so yay!) but they are not enjoying more; that’s because they also take on a disproportionate amount of household chores and child rearing. Here is the silver lining… women live longer lives than men, so we do get significant leisure time when we are older. Hope that puts a smile on the face of those who are multi-tasking the reading of this blog while ordering camp labels and paying bills. We are strong, and we are awesome. #makeworkworkforyou