statistics show that our country is making a clear shift in our definition of
work from traditional full-time employment to the “gig-economy.” Members of The
Second Shift know firsthand that the new economy of work is positive for women
for myriad reasons: new moms looking to re-enter the workplace or take on
part-time work, women trying to make ends meet on their own and women looking
to explore new creative avenues are going it alone and taking on second, third
and fourth shifts by both necessity and choice.
the new found freedom of flexibility, however, comes a new set of rules to
navigate, while we may not be chained to our desks we are now remotely chained
to our devices. When work is ever-present, what is the solution?
are 3-ways to take back the freedom that technology allows to set boundaries in
the new 24/7 “gig-economy”:
- Pick one day for you. Compartmentalize – clients assume they can get a hold of you at all hours, however, most
understand a day off, especially if you are upfront about your schedule. By
blocking off an entire day and telling them ahead of time that you are off-line
they can prepare, and you look responsible! - Divide your day. Let clients know what days and
hours you are dedicating to their project. To manage the worry that you’re
being unresponsive, create a set times during the day when you respond to all
emails. While it can be tempting to want to finish a task immediately for a
client, sometimes just a confirmation of receipt and a timeline for returning
are what a client needs to hear. - Keep a detailed calendar. As the saying
goes, “want something done, give it to a busy person.” Anyone balancing
multiple jobs knows that the calendar is key. When you follow a strict allotment
of time per task and outline that on your calendar you will find that you will
likely finish your work much faster. The critical part of this is that the
calendar shouldn’t just include work tasks, it should also include all tasks.
How else do you manage multiple jobs and responsibilities? Share with us on Facebook and be sure to “like” our page to receive all news related to The Second Shift and gig economy.
{by Chelsea Connor}