Take it from Oprah…she knows all. What a moment for women claiming power and calling out abuse and disparity. Oprah’s Golden Globe speech had us weeping bittersweet tears of joy, sadness, and hope. From Hoda Kotb and Christiane Amanpour in media to Tina Smith in politics, women are replacing the men ousted from their jobs because of sexual misconduct allegations. A recent story in Time magazine highlights the way this is swift justice and should not be perceived as companies trying to save face.
“But it’s a mistake to think of this as a revolution, or even as women pulling off a bloodless coup against the patriarchy–and not just because those rarely end well. These now disgraced men are not being replaced by women as an act of revenge, but because the women are the best candidates for the job. It’s promotion of the fittest. It’s evolution.”
2018 is already starting out strong for women and we are proud to be part of the conversation and a tool to empower women through work. Keep at it ladies– this is gonna be a good year!