There is a really interesting article in Fortune about why the pay gap persists in lucrative fields where with plentiful female talent. For example:
“The difference is even more pronounced for financial managers, where there’s a 35% gap. And in the legal field, the average salary for men is $140,270—a full 24% more than the $106,837 women earn.“
Why? We know why:
-sexism and discrimination
-women having children during the most demanding years to get ahead
-women taking lower paying less high-profile jobs to juggle career and family
-women negotiating poorly for themselves
What is interesting is seeing what is being done about it, not enough!
-many tech firms doing yearly salary audits and leveling up gender pay inequity
-pay equity laws in 40 states
-20 states do not allow employers to ask salary history
With 100 women in Congress in 2019 it will be exciting to see if more female/ family friendly legislation is passed. in the meantime, we encourage employers to learn about how The Second Shift can help you retain and attract critical, mid-career professional women to #superchargeyourwork.
Reach out to info@thesecondshift.com