Last week Jenny and Gina went to London for meetings around expansion to the UK. Yay!

On the way Jenny’s laptop was left in the plastic bucket during TSA screening…. oops! However, there is a silver lining– TSA lost and found recovered the computer and saved the day! Earlier this morning on a trip to TSA headquarters in Union, NJ to claim her laptop Jenny discovered this brochure outlining a program that the TSA has for employees to provide relief when personal issues are making work a struggle.

This is super progressive and super cool! Coming from London where parents are guaranteed 37 paid shared weeks maternity leave and a portion of early childhood care and education is subsidized by the government, it is great to see the issues facing families being discussed in a pro-active way by our government–If every business had the same policy and back up for their employees we would be a much different environment. Long story short– thank you #tsa #ondemandtalent #makeworkworkforyou