2017 Makers Conference

I was honored to be invited to the Makers
conference and left inspired and hopeful with the knowledge that the future is
definitely female. Despite all the optimism, there was an acknowledgment of where
we find ourselves as American women. 

  • We heard from Cecile Richards, the head of
    Planned Parenthood about
    what happens if the government defunds the organization leaving a $500 million
    gap that will leave thousands of women without reproductive health care. 
  • Joanne Barsh of McKinsey once again presented
    the findings from the McKinsey/Lean In study
    that showed the extraordinary gaps in pay, board seats and CEO titles between
    men and women.
  • Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg argued that until
    we have national paid parental leave women will never have the same opportunity
    for advancement as their male counterparts.

In a room full of some of the most powerful
women in technology, communication, entertainment and marketing, what was the
take-away? It could have been a huge downer, but I am buoyed by the opportunity
and the message that we each have to be the change we want to see. At The
Second Shift that means working everyday on behalf of our members and clients to
build the most robust and effective platform that disrupts the status quo. And
we are ready and we ARE the change we want to see.

#BEBOLD #MakeWorkWorkForYou

The Legacy of Brenda Barnes

On January 17th when Brenda Barnes passed away it made headlines around the country. In the 1990s she when she was the head of Pepsi-Cola North America she famously left her job to spend time with her family. This decision made Barnes a polarizing figure in the “can women have it all” debate.  At the time she said “I hope people can look at my decision not as ‘women can’t do it’ but, ‘for 22 years Brenda gave her all and did a lot of great things.’ I don’t think there’s any man who doesn’t have the same struggle. Hopefully, one day corporate America can battle this.”


Image Via The New York Times

Has corporate America changed in the past 20 years? Not much. In fact Catalyst recently released a study showing that a lack of flexible work arrangements is the number one challenge keeping women from work place advancement.

A lot has changed since 1997 when Barnes became a lightning rod for work life struggles:

  • The iPhone was invented
  • Cloud-based computing allowed for remote sharing of files
  • Google and Facebook were launched
  • Aeron chairs arrived. Then inflatable balls instead of desk chairs were in vogue. Now standing desks.
  • Social and digital media became a thing

At the same time a lot has not. Women today only make up 47% of the workforce and 4% of CEOs. The corporate world is beginning to embrace the idea of flexible work, but there is a long way to go.

For seven years Barnes remained on the sidelines with her 3 young children. Like many of our Second Shift members, the demands of her job did not allow for any work/life balance. She returned to work full-time in 2004 as president of Sara Lee and then became CEO. In her story there is a lesson for businesses to think outside the box and realize, as Barnes said, “there’s a large pool of women who chose to leave the work force. But it doesn’t mean they lost their brains.”

The  Second Shift hosted an intimate breakfast and panel discussion for our NY based members. Jenny and Gina spoke candidly with Ariane Goldman the founder of the HATCH maternity collection and Lisen Stromberg the author of Work, Pause, Thrive: How To Pause For Parenthood Without Killing Your Career. The important take aways:

-Have Confidence

-Don’t apologize for your life and career choices

-Don’t give up easily

-Understand the deck is stacked against you, but don’t let that stop you

-Have realistic expectations of what a non-traditional career path looks like

-Don’t look back, focus on the journey in front of you and making your mark in unchartered territory

What am amazing morning with so many inspiring women. Thank you Ariane and Lisen. This is the first of many events for our members. We will be coming to a city near you soon!

We March Onward!


Hello Second Shift Members!

Last Saturday Gina and Jenny and many of our Second Shift
team along with our friends, family and colleagues boarded a bus and headed to
D.C to join more than 1 million people taking part in Women’s Marches around
the world. It was one of the most exciting, invigorating, and emotional days in
our lives. Seeing women from all races, ages and political affiliations gather
together in solidarity was remarkable. While we are not a politically motivated
or partisan business, we are unequivocally activists for women’s rights; equality
and opportunity belong to everyone, regardless of party, age, gender, and
religion.  The Second Shift, by working
to keep women in the workforce, is tackling a small piece of a much larger
social issue.


Here are some scary statistics that motivate us every day:

·      Nearly 50% of
the US workforce is women. 

·      70% of those
women are mothers with children under 18 years old.

·      The US is the
only industrialized nation in the world to not have guaranteed paid maternity

·      Women currently
hold less than 5 of Fortune 500 CEO roles.

·      Women are the
main breadwinner in 4/10 families.

·      Women receive
more college and graduate degrees than men.

·      Women earn 80
cents to every dollar earned by men—a gender wage gap of 21%.

·      19 percent of
Fortune 500 board seats are currently held by women.

·       In the 50
states, the average cost for an infant in center-based care can be as high as $17,082
per year. 


Women are making incredible strides entering the workforce,
but as they move along their career paths they do not receive the advancement
and fundamental support to remain and climb the ladder of achievement and
success. Whether it is glaring gender wage differences, lack of maternity leave
and exorbitant childcare costs, the lack of support by corporations and the
government is driving women from the traditional work place. The good
news—technology has made it easy to work from anywhere at anytime and companies
like ours are here to provide opportunities so women do not have to make a
choice of “in or out.” Until then, we march!

For more photos of our day at the #WomensMarch, check us out on Instagram @TheSecond_Shift.

2016 Freelance Wrap Up Report

It is the last day of 2016 and we have a lot to celebrate! The Second Shift is now 700 members strong and growing! 35% of the US workforce is now considered freelance. Companies are continuing to come to The Second Shift to create an agile, innovative employment model. 

A recent study put out by LinkedIn supports a lot of our 2016 hiring patterns and what we see in our own talent pool: 

-The most commonly hired freelancers are in marketing, business consulting, design, coaching, writing and editing

– Average hourly rates tend to be in the $50-$150/hr. range, with older freelancers typically charging more.

-56% say they earn their entire salary from freelancing. 44% are freelancing on the side of a full-time job for extra salary. 

-Talent is concentrated in urban centers with a majority in California, NYC Metro, Texas and Florida.

-Most talent is being paid on a project basis vs. hourly or retainer. 

This bodes well for us at The Second Shift as the trends are moving overwhelmingly in our favor. So here is to 2017! Excited for the future of #ondemandtalent #gigeconomy and #thesecondshift! 

Yummy Season’s Greetings

Hello Second Shift Community! 

We want to wish you a very happy holiday season. May your days be filled with laughter and love and delicious food. Our gift to our team every year is a bag of Gina’s homemade granola. This year we share her secret recipe with you! Enjoy! 












**Gina says you can add anything else you want. She likes to add chopped up apricots, dried cranberries and pistachios.

  • Preheat oven to 250°F. Lightly spray rimmed baking sheet with nonstick spray. Toss oats and next 3 ingredients in large bowl. Whisk syrup, brown sugar, oil, 2 tablespoons warm water and salt in small bowl to blend. Pour syrup mixture over oat mixture and stir to combine. Transfer to prepared baking sheet. Bake until evenly browned, stirring occasionally, about 1 hour 15 minutes. Cool. Transfer to large bowl. Mix in raisins. 

    (Can be made 1 week ahead. Store in airtight container.)

  • Happy Holiday Party

    We had our Second Shift holiday party today and besides rocking some ridiculous attire and drinking too many lunchtime margaritas, we took a moment to think about how much this business has grown in the past year. 

    • Last year there were 5 of us; this year there are 11. What is so incredible about our team is that we practice what we preach–most of our hires are from within our own network and everyone is empowered to create a work/ life balance that works for them.
    • In the past year we partnered with some amazing companies like Microsoft, Spotify and Makers.
    • Every month the total number of bookings is growing which means more women in our network working!
    • In 2017 we will have a big announcement about someone joining our team. She’s a game changer… 

    Here are some pics of the East Coast team (minus 2) Enjoy and Happy Holidays!! Jenny and Gina


    The high price of childcare

    Why do women leave the workforce? One of the main reasons is the exorbitant cost of childcare making two working parents a luxury. In the 50 states, the average cost for an infant in center-based care can be as high as $17,082 per year. When parents do the math it is often unaffordable for both parents to be out of the house working– especially if you factor in rising rent and commuter costs. That’s why The Second Shift advocates for remote and flexible work options that help women stay in the game during the years when their children are not old enough to go to school all day. Read the article for a list of where your state falls in the list of most expensive monthly childcare cost.
    http://fortune.com/2016/12/09/child-care-cost-us/ #ondemandtalent#makeworkworkforyou



    Last night Jenny and Gina were invited to by our friends Dyllan McGee and Blair Enders from Makers to a talk with the one and only Gloria Steinem at the Bayview Correctional Facility– a former women’s prison in downtown NYC that is being transformed into a center for women. The site is currently hosting a must see traveling exhibition of Annie Leibovitz’s photographs of amazing portraits of women. What is truly exciting is the building is being developed by a female team and 50% of the actual construction work is being done by women. The site will be a place for education, community and will turn a place of negativity into a space for positivity.