It’s Payback Time for Women

It’s Payback Time for Women

Get to work!

For the first two years of the Second Shift we worked from our dining room tables, which meant lunchtimes with Jenny’s 3 year old or Gina’s cat Gibby. This past year we grew from 2 – 4 people and moved to a “real office” which is a few desks in a friend’s shared work space. We are 15 years older than everyone around us, but that’s very helpful when we can’t figure out how to link Tumblr to Twitter or get the copier to connect wirelessly.  We are just one story in 54 million—that’s the estimate of how many people took on freelance work in 2015.  While we got lucky in our present situation, there are lots of options out there for Second Shift members who need to find a quiet, non-sticky space to get down to business. Don’t be afraid to set up shop and make new, younger friends– at the very least you will finally learn the difference between a gif and a meme. 

Here are a few to check out: 







Happy new year from the Second Shift! We are looking forward to all that 2016 will bring while we reflect on how much we have accomplished in 2015. What a year it’s been!

We officially launched this company a year ago with an idea, a website built from sticks and gum, a few friendly businesses we pestered to give us jobs and a handful of women who agreed to be our guinea pigs. We started out with “a dollar and a dream” and became a full-fledged women owned and operated start-up. In the past year our network grew to 500 women with many more patiently waiting as we diligently vet them for membership. We brought on an amazing CFO, Kemp Steib, who will guide our business to great heights. A dream came true when the NY Times wrote a story about our incredible members and the mission of the Second Shift. Most importantly, many women are now matched with work that provides them the flexibility to make work work for them. 

We want to sincerely thank all of our members and the businesses we work with who understand the talent, value and expertise of our network. In 2016 we will work tirelessly to create more opportunities for our members and to strengthen our community. We accomplished so much in one short year… can’t wait to see what happens next! 


Mara Geronemus is a rock star– she is a valued member of the Second Shift who has tackled numerous projects through our marketplace, she did most of the legal work for the formation of the Second Shift, she is the mother of 3 little kids, PTA president of their school,  and makes a mean baked ziti. We asked her a few questions about her time balance and the legal implications of being an independent contractor. 


True story from Co-Founder Jenny Galluzzo

In the scope of life’s highs and lows, yesterday really stood out. I woke up to the realization of a dream– the Second Shift was profiled in the NY Times! The day went by in blur of congratulatory phone calls and emails and women signing up for membership and companies posting jobs.  I was floating on a cloud  . .  .until my six year old son’s school called to tell me nobody had come to pick him up. Oops – I totally forgot that his Thursday after-school program ended last week!  I naturally started freaking out, but the sweet woman and fellow working mom that I was on the phone with wound up comforting me; telling me to take a deep breath and run out to get him. I jumped on the subway frantic and nearly in tears, until I realized that he was safe and well taken care of, and that it was neither the first nor the last time this has and will happen.  The irony of having a business about balancing work and family and the lack of balance in my own life is not lost on me. I try to laugh it off but we mothers put so much stress on ourselves. Balancing a growing businesses, two little kids in two schools and a a zillion other life commitments means that things fall through the cracks and we have to cut ourselves and others a little slack. I find that I am good at being empathetic to others and I have to remember to show myself the same kindness.

Startup Advice from One of the Most Influential Women in Tech

Startup Advice from One of the Most Influential Women in Tech