Recently some of you, our amazing Second Shift members, took part in a survey about YOU! What are you looking for? How do you currently work? How do you interact with our platform? The results are very interesting and give us insights and direction as we grow this community and business.
Here is what we learned:

HOWEVER! This is where things get interesting…
96% have not yet attended a Second Shift event! This year we have been to Seattle, NY, SF and LA. Look out DC, Chicago and Boston we are coming in late 2018. Please come to a member event– it’s such a great way to network, meet clients and learn new skills.
So how do you find out about events and other interesting opportunities?? Our blog and social media!!!
Yet….more than half of the survey respondents do not follow us on social media!!! This is seriously disappointing because we work really hard to provide interesting content and behind the scenes intel about jobs and community.
Follow us so that you don’t miss out on exciting opportunities, events, perks, promotions and JOBS!
Click the links below to follow us– it’s that easy!