The Second Shift- The White House- The CARE Economy


Exciting day at The Second Shift! We are thrilled to be working with Vice President Kamala Harris to pass the Build Back Better infrastructure plan that would invest heavily in home- and community-based services, higher caregiver wages and Medicare expansion. The Second Shift was quoted along with leaders of companies such as Microsoft, Airbnb, Etsy, Salesforce and Reddit in a White House press release supporting CARE spending as a way to promote equity in the workforce by supporting working parents and caregivers. As a company whose mission is transform the workplace by giving women control over their own careers we are proud to continue this fight on the federal level to #makeworkworkforyou!

Here is what our founders Gina Hadley (she/her) and Jenny Galluzzo had to say:

“As a company founded by working mothers, representing thousands of working women across the country, and dedicated to giving women control of their career journeys, we know that funding for CARE is a crucial component to re-building a strong and equitable workforce. The pandemic exposed the structural fault lines in the lives of working families and with federal government action, along with cooperation from the business community, we will create a solid foundation to support women in the workplace today and for future generations.”

Thank you to TIME’S UP for including us in the CARE Economy Business Council and your continued work for women and equity!